MCRCD Hazardous Tree Removal
SCH Number
Public Agency
Mendocino County Resource Conservation District
Document Title
MCRCD Hazardous Tree Removal
Document Type
NOE - Notice of Exemption
Document Description
The project consists of felling of hazardous trees within the footprint of the 2017 Redwood Complex Fire, which have been assessed as dead or dying by a registered professional forester or certified arborist. All trees to be felled are threatening either the public right of way or private infrastructure and need to be removed to prevent damage to life or property and ensure that evacuation routes remain clear during future fire events. All felled trees will be either chipped and broadcast on site or bucked to approximately 18 inch length pieces and left on site for landowner disposal. No stumps or root balls will be removed.
Contact Information
Joe Scriven
Agency Name
Mendocino County Resource Conservation District
Job Title
Assistant Executive Director
Contact Types
Lead/Public Agency / Project Applicant
Northern California
Other Location Info
Redwood Valley
Notice of Exemption
Exempt Status
Categorical Exemption
Type, Section or Code
California Code of Regulations, title 14 section 15304(i) (Class 4, Minor Alterations to Land)
Reasons for Exemption
The proposed project is exempt pursuant to CEQA Guidelines Section 15304 (Class 4, Minor Alterations to Land) as the project involves fuel management activities within 100 feet of public or private structures and/or infrastructure within an area that experiences hazardous fire conditions, the proposed activities will not result in the taking of endangered, rare, or threatened plant or animal species or significant erosion and sedimentation of surface waters, and the project will not involve the removal of healthy, mature trees. Furthermore, none of the exceptions to the exemptions (CEQA Guidelines Section 15300.2) apply to the project as the project location is not in a particularly sensitive environment, and the project will not lead to a cumulative or significant effect.
County Clerk
Notice of Exemption
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