Bombay Beach Wetland Enhancement Project
SCH Number
Public Agency
California Natural Resources Agency
Document Title
Bombay Beach Wetland Enhancement Project
Document Type
NOE - Notice of Exemption
Document Description
The BBW Project will create, restore, and enhance habitats for sensitive wildlife species within an approximately 800-acre project area. It is
envisioned to be implemented in two phases. Phase I includes construction of access roads, protection and enhancement of the existing wetland,
and habitat expansion in an area encompassing approximately 564 acres. Phase II includes expansion of wetland habitat into an additional 236
acres as the Salton Sea shoreline continues to recede, and adaptive adjustment of features constructed during Phase I, as needed.
Contact Information
Mario Roberto Llanos
Agency Name
California Natural Resources Agency
Job Title
Deputy Assistant Secretary
Contact Types
Lead/Public Agency
Bombay Beach
Southern California
Cross Streets
1.5 miles south of the City of Bombay Beach
Notice of Exemption
Exempt Status
Statutory Exemption
Type, Section or Code
Restoration Project, Section 21080.56
Reasons for Exemption
The project meets the following requirements of section 21080.56:
(a) This division does not apply to a project that is exclusively one of the following:
1.A project to conserve, restore, protect, or enhance, and assist in the recovery of California native fish and wildlife, and the habitat upon which they depend.
2. A project to restore or provide habitat for California native fish and wildlife.
(b) An eligible project may have incidental public benefits, such as public access and recreation.
(c) This section does not apply to a project unless the project does both of the following:
1. Results in long-term net benefits to climate resiliency, biodiversity, and sensitive species recovery.
2. Includes procedures and ongoing management for the protection of the environment.
(d) This section does not apply to a project that includes construction activities, except for construction activities solely related to habitat restoration.
County Clerk
Notice of Exemption
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