Mesa at Laguna Ridge, Phase 2 Project
SCH Number
Public Agency
City of Elk Grove
Document Title
Mesa at Laguna Ridge, Phase 2 Project
Document Type
NOE - Notice of Exemption
Document Description
The Mesa at Laguna Ridge Phase 2 Project (the “Project”) consists of a Rezone and Specific Plan Amendment to amend the zoning designation of 10.13 acres from the Medium Density Residential-15 (RD-15) designation to the High Density Residential-20 (RD-20) designation; a Minor Design Review; and a Tree Removal Permit for a new multi-unit residential apartment complex with 143 units and associated site improvements including parking, lighting, and landscaping. The Project will have 3 two-story buildings and 2 three-story buildings. Mesa at Laguna Ridge Phase 1 was approved for 55 units and a 4,844 square-foot community center with indoor amenities by the Planning Commission in 2016 and since has been constructed. This Project will be Phase 2, an expansion of the original approvals. Phase 2 of the new multi-family development will be constructed in compliance with the City’s Climate Action Plan (“CAP”) measures.
Contact Information
Kyra Killingsworth
Agency Name
City of Elk Grove
Job Title
Senior Planner
Contact Types
Lead/Public Agency
Elk Grove
Parcel #
132-0050-034 and 132-0050-026
Notice of Exemption
Exempt Status
Categorical Exemption
Type, Section or Code
Section 15183
Reasons for Exemption
Staff finds that no further environmental review is required under State CEQA Guidelines Section 15183 (Consistency with a General Plan, Community Plan, or Zoning). State CEQA Guidelines Section 15183 (Public Resources Code §21083.3), provides that projects which are consistent with a Community Plan, General Plan, or Zoning for which an environmental impact report (EIR) has been certified “shall not require additional environmental review, except as might be necessary to examine whether there are project-specific significant effects which are peculiar to the project or its site.” In February 2019, an EIR was prepared and certified by the City Council as part of the Elk Grove General Plan (SCH# 2017062058). The Project is subject to the General Plan MMRP
County Clerk
Notice of Exemption
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