Palomares Road Mile Markers 4.05 and 4.10 Storm Damage Repair in Castro Valley
SCH Number
Public Agency
Alameda County Public Works Agency
Document Title
Palomares Road Mile Markers 4.05 and 4.10 Storm Damage Repair in Castro Valley
Document Type
NOE - Notice of Exemption
Document Description
During the 2022-2023 storms, the northbound roadside on Palomares Road at mile markers (MM) 4.05 and 4.10 in Castro Valley eroded. The project consists of reconstructing the embankments and roadway. At Palomares Road MM 4.05, approximately 18 cubic yards of drain rock and 54 cubic yards of Class II aggregate base will be placed within the approximately 322-square-foot eroded area. At Palomares Road MM 4.10, approximately 37 cubic yards of drain rock and 110 cubic yards of Class II aggregate base will be placed within the approximately 658-square-foot eroded area. Additional work at both locations will include paving the road section with new asphalt and applying new permanent striping. The purpose of the project is to repair the road that was damaged by severe storms to preserve public safety and access.
Contact Information
Jacquelyn Tom
Agency Name
Alameda County Public Works Agency
Job Title
Assistant Environmental Compliance Specialist
Contact Types
Lead/Public Agency
Other Location Info
Castro Valley, CA
Notice of Exemption
Exempt Status
Statutory Exemption
Type, Section or Code
California Code of Regulations, title 14, section 15269
Reasons for Exemption
This project is statutorily exempt by specific provisions of the California Environmental Quality Act as described proclaimed by the Governor pursuant to California Emergency Services Act Sections 8558(b) and 8625 of the California Government code. Additionally, the Alameda County Director of Emergency Service proclaimed, under Title 2, Section 2.118.110 of the Administrative Code of the County of Alameda, the existence or threatened existence of a local emergency when said County is affected or likely be affected by a public calamity and the County Board of Supervisor is not in session.
County Clerk
Notice of Exemption
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