Sanitary Sewer Emergency Repair and Replacement


SCH Number
Public Agency
East Palo Alto Sanitary District (EPASD)
Document Title
Sanitary Sewer Emergency Repair and Replacement
Document Type
NOE - Notice of Exemption
Document Description
The project is the emergency repair of approximately 10,000 linear feet of existing sanitary sewer pipelines. The existing sanitary system has old clay pipes that are failing in 9 segments. The specific sewer pipe segments are: on Bay Road, from Manhole (MH) B2 to MH T29; Runnymede Street from MH I35 to MH H76; Clark Avenue from MH H14 to MH H12 and MH H11 to MH H18; Green Street from MH E1 to MH H75; Beech Street from MH H4 to MH T19; Donohoe Street from MH D4 to MHD1; Euclid Avenue from MH D24 to MH D10; Pulgas Avenue from MH I15 to MH I14; and Larkspur Drive from MH L21 to MH K28. These old pipes will be replaced with new plastic (PVC) pipes; the pipe sizes range from 12 inches to 26 inches in diameter, and run approximately 4 feet under the roads. In certain areas, manholes will also be replaced. The construction steps are: the identification of existing utilities by potholing (pressurized water and vacuum excavation); cutting of existing pavement; excavation of open trenches using excavators and backhoes; the cutting and removal of the old pipes; the addition of couplings and the installation of new pipes; backfill with sand and gravel; compaction; installation of new asphalt and slurry seal; and restriping. A traffic management plan will be implemented and the construction will follow all building codes and the conditions of the Encroachment Permit issued by the City of East Palo Alto Public Works Department.

Contact Information

Akin Okupe
Agency Name
East Palo Alto Sanitary District
Job Title
General Manager
Contact Types
Lead/Public Agency


San Mateo
Cross Streets
Bay Road, Runnymede Street, Clark Avenue, Green Street, Beech Street, Donohoe Street, Euclid Ave

Notice of Exemption

Exempt Status
Categorical Exemption
Type, Section or Code
CEQA Guidelines Section 15301. EXISTING FACILITIES
Reasons for Exemption
The Project is exempt because the CEQE Guidelines grant exemption to the repair of existing public utilities and to emergency projects, and also because the implementation of the Project will not have a significant physical effect on the environment. Conversely, if the repairs are not made, the failing sewer pipes could adversely affect the physical environment. Note that the pipeline repairs will occur only under existing paved roads and do not require the disturbance of natural habitats or tree removal. The resulting project will not be visible to the public. Existing ordinances, building codes, and the conditions of the Encroachment Permit will ensure that the repairs are made correctly, safely, and without significant traffic impacts, although temporary lane/road closures are required.
County Clerk
San Mateo


Notice of Exemption

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