Alta Tank Replacement Project


SCH Number
Public Agency
Placer County Water Agency
Document Title
Alta Tank Replacement Project
Document Type
NOE - Notice of Exemption
Document Description
The proposed project will consist of the replacement of an existing 100,000 gallon treated water storage tank with a new 200,000 gallon steel treated water storage tank. The new tank will be approximately 52 feet in diameter and 18 feet tall with 8-inch to 12-inch pipelines that will be required to integrate the tank into the onsite water treatment plant piping. This project will provide the existing Alta treated water system with redundant storage capacity to enable PCWA to conduct the necessary maintenance on the existing storage tank. Project activity will be located within PCWA's existing parcel and on PG&E owned parcel, this will require an easement. Some earthwork, tree removal and grading will be required to construct a foundation for the tank. While the storage capacity is increased, this project will not alter the current production capacity of the water treatment plant. The additional storage capacity will provide extended water supply availability during emergencies. The existing redwood tank will be decommissioned once the new steel tank is placed in operation.

Contact Information

Heather Trejo
Agency Name
Placer County Water Agency
Job Title
Environmental Scientist
Contact Types
Lead/Public Agency


Other Location Info
The project site is located approximately ½-mile north of I-80 at the Alta Water Treatment Plant, 990 Alta Reservoir Road.

Notice of Exemption

Exempt Status
Categorical Exemption
Type, Section or Code
Class 2, Section 15302 (c)
Reasons for Exemption
The project consists of replacement or reconstruction of existing utility system and facilities where the new facility will be located on the same site and will have substantially the same purpose and capacity. (Section 15302 (c))
County Clerk


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