Rodeo Gulch Sewer and Pump Station Rehabilitation Project


SCH Number
Public Agency
Santa Cruz County Sanitation District
Document Title
Rodeo Gulch Sewer and Pump Station Rehabilitation Project
Document Type
NOE - Notice of Exemption
Document Description
The proposed project involves rehabilitating two deteriorated sections of an existing sewer main (Rodeo Gulch trunkline), repair and rehabilitation of a steel trestle sewer pipe bridge, and installation of an auxiliary wet well at the existing Rodeo Pump Station. The existing sewer system has structural defects in pipes, joints, manholes and other connections caused by age and deterioration that need to be repaired. The steel trestle pipe bridge has damaged frame members that require replacement and deteriorated paint that needs to be rehabilitated to prevent further damage to the structure. The work will be implemented as three separate construction projects: The Upper Rodeo Gulch Trunkline Rehabilitation will use a trenchless pipe lining method (cured-in-place pipe) to rehabilitate the existing underground pipe with minimal surface disturbance, and repair/repaint the existing pipe bridge. Some small segments of pipe will require replacement through conventional (open cut) trenching. The Lower Rodeo Gulch Trunkline Replacement will replace existing pipe using conventional trenching within paved roads and other previously disturbed areas, and the Rodeo Pump Station Capacity Upgrade will install a wet well within a paved area at the existing pump station.

Contact Information

Ashleigh Trujillo
Agency Name
Santa Cruz County Sanitation District
Job Title
Sanitation Engineer
Contact Types
Lead/Public Agency / Project Applicant / Parties Undertaking Project


Santa Cruz
Northern California, Unincorporated
Other Location Info
The project is approximately 1.5 miles long and includes two separate sewer sections: The upper section runs parallel to Rodeo Gulch Creek from Sequel Drive to just north of Capitola Road; the lower section runs mostly along surface streets from a private road in a mobile home park (APN 028-021-07) to the Rodeo Pump Station on Richmond Drive.

Notice of Exemption

Exempt Status
Categorical Exemption
Type, Section or Code
15301 (b)(d) Class 1. Existing Facilities
Reasons for Exemption
The project involves the maintenance and repair of existing sewer infrastructure for the purpose of rehabilitating and maintaining public facilities and involves no expansion of the existing use. None of the exceptions in §15300.2 apply.
County Clerk
Santa Cruz


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