Amendment of Lease – Lease 8079
SCH Number
Public Agency
California State Lands Commission
Document Title
Amendment of Lease – Lease 8079
Document Type
NOE - Notice of Exemption
Document Description
Authorize the amendment of Lease 8079, a General Lease – Public Agency Use, effective March 1, 2023, to implement regulatory maintenance activities, emergency repair activities associated with DCA T13-1N.
Contact Information
Sarah Mongano
Agency Name
Job Title
Senior Environmental Scientist
Contact Types
Lead/Public Agency
Southern California
Other Location Info
Sovereign land on the dry lakebed of Owens Lake, Inyo County
Notice of Exemption
Exempt Status
Statutory Exemption
Type, Section or Code
EMERGENCY PROJECTS (Cal. Code Regs., tit. 14, § 15269, subd. (a))
Reasons for Exemption
The Amendment of Lease involves a project undertaken, carried out, or approved by a public agency to maintain, repair, restore, demolish, or replace property or facilities damaged or destroyed as a result of a disaster in a disaster-stricken area in which a state of emergency has been proclaimed by the Governor pursuant to Chapter 7 (commencing with section 8550) of Division 1, title 2 of the Government Code.
Exempt Status
Categorical Exemption
Type, Section or Code
CLASS 1, EXISTING FACILITIES (Cal. Code Regs., tit. 14, § 15301)
Reasons for Exemption
The Amendment of Lease for the above-mentioned structure(s) will cause only a minor physical change in the environment and will not change existing activities in the area. There is no reasonable possibility that the activity will have a significant effect on the environment due to unusual circumstances. Therefore, the project will not have a significant effect on the environment and the above categorical exemption(s) apply(ies).
Notice of Exemption
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