Giant Sequoia Resilience Coordination Project (SNC1522)


SCH Number
Public Agency
Sierra Nevada Conservancy
Document Title
Giant Sequoia Resilience Coordination Project (SNC1522)
Document Type
NOE - Notice of Exemption
Document Description
The Sierra Nevada Conservancy would provide funding for the Plumas Corporation, in close partnership with the Giant Sequoia Lands Coalition, to coordinate planning activities to 1) develop a comprehensive Giant Sequoia data portal that catalogs and maps the needs of each grove, 2) complete a draft Giant Sequoia Health and Resiliency Assessment, 3) develop a five-year plan of prioritized projects, 4) establish a dedicated Giant Sequoia Coordinator position and 5) complete planning and environmental compliance for approximately 2,000 acres of treatments in the Case Mountain Grove Complex. The Coalition’s goal is to create resiliency in Giant Sequoia groves, which are impacted by drought and fire throughout their range.

Contact Information

Mary Akens
Agency Name
Sierra Nevada Conservancy
Job Title
Legal Counsel
Contact Types
Lead/Public Agency


7 miles southeast of Three Rivers
Fresno, Tulare
Southern California
Other Location Info
The entire range of Giant Sequoia across the Sierra Nevada, with a focus area in the Case Mountain Grove Complex, approximately 7 miles southeast of the town of Three Rivers, California. Focus area center at approximately 36.43624167 / -118.8479972.

Notice of Exemption

Exempt Status
Statutory Exemption
Type, Section or Code
Section 15262 Feasibility and Planning Studies
Reasons for Exemption
The project is Statutorily Exempt under Section 15262 Feasibility and Planning Studies as the project only involves planning studies for possible future actions which the Sierra Nevada Conservancy Board has not approved, adopted, or funded; there is no legally binding effect on later activities. The project is also categorically exempt under Section 15306 Information Collection because it consists of basic data collection and resource evaluation activities which do not result in a disturbance to environmental resources. The proposed activities are for information gathering purposes and are part of a study leading to an action which a public agency has not yet approved, adopted, or funded. SNC has independently reviewed the project and determined that no exception under Section 15306 applies.

Exempt Status
Categorical Exemption
Type, Section or Code
Section 15306 Information Collection
Reasons for Exemption
The project is Statutorily Exempt under Section 15262 Feasibility and Planning Studies as the project only involves planning studies for possible future actions which the Sierra Nevada Conservancy Board has not approved, adopted, or funded; there is no legally binding effect on later activities. The project is also categorically exempt under Section 15306 Information Collection because it consists of basic data collection and resource evaluation activities which do not result in a disturbance to environmental resources. The proposed activities are for information gathering purposes and are part of a study leading to an action which a public agency has not yet approved, adopted, or funded. SNC has independently reviewed the project and determined that no exception under Section 15306 applies.
County Clerks
Fresno, Tulare


Notice of Exemption

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