Transfer of Water by Oakdale Irrigation District and South San Joaquin Irrigation District to Stockton East Water District
2 Documents in Project
SCH Number
Lead Agency
Oakdale Irrigation District
Document Title
Transfer of Water by Oakdale Irrigation District and South San Joaquin Irrigation District to Stockton East Water District
Document Type
NOD - Notice of Determination
Document Description
The Project proposes to transfer up to 10,000 acre-feet of surplus surface water in critically dry years, and up to 20,000 acre-feet of surplus surface water in all other year types from the Oakdale Irrigation District and South San Joaquin Irrigation District to the Stockton East Water District. The term of the agreement may start as soon as spring of 2023 and would end by November 1, 2032. Existing diversion and conveyance facilities are in place and no new construction is required as a result of the Project.
Contact Information
Scot Moody
Agency Name
Oakdale Irrigation District
Job Title
General Manager
Contact Types
Lead/Public Agency / Project Applicant
Calaveras, San Joaquin, Stanislaus, Tuolumne
Other Location Info
The surplus surface water would be diverted from Goodwin Reservoir in Tuolumne and Calaveras Counties, for use by Stockton East Water District in San Joaquin County. The water will be transfered by the Oakdale Irrigation District, located in Stanislaus County, and the South San Joaquin Irrigation District, located in San Joaquin County.
Notice of Determination
Approving Agency
South San Joaquin Irrigation Dist. & Oakdale Irrigation Dist.
Approving Agency Role
Lead Agency
Approved On
County Clerks
Calaveras, San Joaquin, Stanislaus, Tuolumne
Final Environmental Document Available at
Oakdale Irrigation District, 1205 East F Street, Oakdale CA 95361
(1) The project will have a significant impact on the environment
(2a) An Environmental Impact Report was prepared for this project pursuant to the provisions of CEQA
(2b) A Mitigated or a Negative Declaration was prepared for this project pursuant to the provisions of CEQA
(2c) An other document type was prepared for this project pursuant to the provisions of CEQA
(3) Mitigated measures were made a condition of the approval of the project
(4) A mitigation reporting or monitoring plan was adopted for this project
(5) A Statement of Overriding Considerations was adopted for this project
(6) Findings were made pursuant to the provisions of CEQA
Notice of Determination
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