Atherton 2023-2031 Housing Element (6th Cycle)


SCH Number
Public Agency
City of Atherton
Document Title
Atherton 2023-2031 Housing Element (6th Cycle)
Document Type
NOE - Notice of Exemption
Document Description
State law requires the Town to update its housing element within the General Plan every eight years. The Town is updating and adopting the 6th cycle housing element which will account for the 2023-2031 period.

Contact Information

George Rodericks
Agency Name
Town of Atherton
Job Title
City Manager
Contact Types
Lead/Public Agency


San Mateo
Other Location Info
Town of Atherton

Notice of Exemption

Exempt Status
Categorical Exemption
Type, Section or Code
15061(b)(3), 15002, and 15283
Reasons for Exemption
The consideration and adoption of the Housing Element not a project pursuant to the CEQA. The consideration and adoption of the Housing Element is alternatively exempt from CEQA pursuant to Section 15002 as the adoption of the Housing element is a planning study and will not have any impacts to the environment. Further, to the extent the Regional Housing Needs determinations are made, the Project is further exempt pursuant to Section 15283, which provides "CEQA does not apply to regional housing needs determinations made by the Department of Housing and Community Development, a council of governments, or a city or county pursuant to Section 65584 of Government Code". A CEQA analysis will be conducted for any future zoning code amendments and/or development of specific projects when those are considered.
County Clerk
San Mateo


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