Wells & MGDP Electrical Upgrades/Replacement Project
SCH Number
Public Agency
Zone 7 Water Agency
Document Title
Wells & MGDP Electrical Upgrades/Replacement Project
Document Type
NOE - Notice of Exemption
Document Description
Zone 7 owns and operates ten (10) different groundwater producing well sites around the Tri-Valley area that range in age from ten (10) to fifty (50) years old. As facilities age, equipment must be replaced to ensure reliable operation. Some equipment also fails as it ages and must be replaced in order for the facility to operate again.
The subject project includes seven (7) different well and treatment sites where electrical equipment has either failed or has reached the end of its useful life. Existing electrical switchgear at the Mocho 2, Hopyard 6, Hopyard 9 and Stoneridge well sites is scheduled to be replaced with new electrical gear to allow for continued reliable operation. Variable frequency drives (VFD) at the Chain of Lakes (COL) well 1 and well 2 sites and the Mocho Groundwater Demineralization Plant (MGDP) are scheduled to be replaced due to failures of some of the VFDs and reaching the end of their useful lives on other VFDs. In total, there will be seven (7) VFDs replaced at the three (3) sites.
The seven (7) different facility sites contained in this project are all located within the City of Pleasanton. The Mocho 2 well site is on Santa Rita Rd. approximately 1,100 feet south of the intersection of Santa Rita Rd. and Stoneridge Dr. in the City of Pleasanton. The Hopyard 6 well is located at 5997 Parkside Dr. in the City of Pleasanton. The Hopyard 9 well is located approximately 1,200 feet east of Hopyard Rd. along the north bank of the Pleasanton Canal in the City of Pleasanton. The Stoneridge well site is located at 3750 Stoneridge Dr. in the City of Pleasanton. The COL 1 & 2 well sites are located at 2655 El Charro Rd. in the City of Pleasanton. The MGDP facility is located at 5215 Stoneridge Dr. in the City of Pleasanton. All of the work is contained within these existing Zone 7 facilities.
The Project work is anticipated to take place between February 2023 and April 2024.
Due to the project being replacement of existing equipment at all of the included sites, there is not expected to be any new elements as a part of the project, nor will there be any new public nuisances that result from the project.
Contact Information
Elke Rank
Agency Name
Zone 7 Water Agency
Job Title
Assoc Water Resources Planner
Contact Types
Lead/Public Agency / Project Applicant / Parties Undertaking Project
Cross Streets
5215 Stoneridge Drive
Total Acres
Parcel #
Livermore Municipal
Strattford School
Arroyo Mocho
Other Location Info
The subject project includes seven (7) different well and treatment sites where electrical equipment has either failed or has reached the end of its useful life. Existing electrical switchgear at the Mocho 2, Hopyard 6, Hopyard 9 and Stoneridge well sites is scheduled to be replaced with new electrical gear to allow for continued reliable operation. Variable frequency drives (VFD) at the Chain of Lakes (COL) well 1 and well 2 sites and the Mocho Groundwater Demineralization Plant (MGDP) are scheduled to be replaced due to failures of some of the VFDs and reaching the end of their useful lives on other VFDs. In total, there will be seven (7) VFDs replaced at the three (3) sites.
The seven (7) different facility sites contained in this project are all located within the City of Pleasanton. The Mocho 2 well site is on Santa Rita Rd. approximately 1,100 feet south of the intersection of Santa Rita Rd. and Stoneridge Dr. in the City of Pleasanton. The Hopyard 6 well is located at 5997 Parkside Dr. in the City of Pleasanton. The Hopyard 9 well is located approximately 1,200 feet east of Hopyard Rd. along the north bank of the Pleasanton Canal in the City of Pleasanton. The Stoneridge well site is located at 3750 Stoneridge Dr. in the City of Pleasanton. The COL 1 & 2 well sites are located at 2655 El Charro Rd. in the City of Pleasanton. The MGDP facility is located at 5215 Stoneridge Dr. in the City of Pleasanton. All of the work is contained within these existing Zone 7 facilities.
Notice of Exemption
Exempt Status
Categorical Exemption
Type, Section or Code
Reasons for Exemption
None of the conditions noted under the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Guidelines 15300.2 (as revised) will occur. Furthermore, this project will not result in potential for significant environmental impacts because:
• The project sites will look and function the same (or nearly) as it has in the past.
• Work will be limited to the smallest footprint practicable.
• There will be no or minimal native ground disturbance.
• Work is within Zone 7’s property and will have minimal construction-related nuisances to local residents, businesses, or recreational areas, such as disruptions to traffic and increased noise or dust, etc.
• Best Management Practices will be employed during construction to reduce the potential for localized erosion or impact to water quality.
• No impacts to sensitive habitat or wildlife are expected.
• City noise and traffic rules will be followed.
• There is not a reasonable possibility that the project could result in a significant impact.
County Clerk
Notice of Exemption
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