Krista Mutual Water Company Fluoride Mitigation Project
SCH Number
Public Agency
Lebec County Water District
Document Title
Krista Mutual Water Company Fluoride Mitigation Project
Document Type
NOE - Notice of Exemption
Document Description
The proposed Project will consist of two phases. Phase 1 will address the mitigation of the fluoride violation for exceeding the maximum contaminant levels, and Phase 2 will consist of the annexation of the Krista Mutual Water Company (KMWC) into Lebec County Water District (LCWD).
Phase 1 will consist of the following items
1. Pipeline connection to LCWD from the end of the LCWD main north along Lebec Road to the KMWC well site.
2. Replacement of existing of existing LCWD pipelines in Lebec Road and Circle Drive. The existing lines are prone to leaking and need to be replaced to provide a reliable source of low fluoride water to KMWC.
3. Addition of a water storage tank at an existing LCWD tank site south of Circle Drive.
4. Blending and booster pump station to blend the higher fluoride water from the KMWC well with the lower fluoride water from LCWD and pump the water up to the KMWC storage tanks.
In order to comply with the Annexation requirements from LCWD Phase 2 will consist of the following items
1. Replacement/rehabilitation of existing KMWC distribution pipelines within Los Padres Estates inside existing rights of way.
2. Remove three of the four KMWC water storage tanks and replace them with a single tank within the boundary of the existing tank site.
The proposed activities as identified in the project description will utilize existing disturbed road right-of-way, upgrading existing facilities with completed developed and/or disturbed land, and the installation of new facilities in previously disturbed area. These activities are necessary for the water provided to the affected communities to meet current standards of public health and safety.
Contact Information
Rick Puckett
Agency Name
Lebec County Water District
Job Title
Board President
Contact Types
Lead/Public Agency / Project Applicant / Parties Undertaking Project
unincorporated communities of LeBec and Frazier Park
Cross Streets
Lebec Road and Frazier Mountain Park Road
Parcel #
State Highways
Interstate 5
Frazier Park Elementary; Frazier Mountain High
Cuddy Creek
18 N
19 W
3 4 5
Notice of Exemption
Exempt Status
Categorical Exemption
Type, Section or Code
Class 1 15301 (d); Class 2 15302 (c); Class 3 15303 (d) Class 19 15319 and Class 20 15320 (a)
Reasons for Exemption
A Preliminary Engineering Report was prepared in 2020 for the Project, which identified high levels of fluoride within the water system that exceed drinking water quality standards. The Project is intended to upgrade the water system and augment the water system to reduce the amount of fluoride to below federal and State limits.
Biological surveys and Cultural assessment evaluations were prepared for the Project. These studies confirmed there were no observed biological or known cultural resources that would be impacted or disturbed by the construction and operation of the proposed Project. Construction will be conducted within existing ROW and on previously disturbed land.
The Project will provide clean drinking water for domestic use within a severely disadvantaged community. There is no increase in capacity, demand or connections. As noted, the Project will replace or upgrade the water system and metering system.
The annexation of the KMWC into the LCWD is consistent with the density allowed by the current general plan designation and zoning classification. The extension of utility services to the existing facilities would have a capacity to serve only the existing facilities. There is no anticipated increase in capacity or connections. The annexation would not change the geographical boundary area of the communities being served. The two entities would consolidate into a single district.
County Clerk
Notice of Exemption
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