San Gabriel Water Company
SCH Number
Public Agency
San Bernardino County
Document Title
San Gabriel Water Company
Document Type
NOE - Notice of Exemption
Document Description
The Fontana Water Company (FWC) Regional Domestic Water Facilities will be located on the existing FWC Plant F7 on Cherry Avenue, as shown on the attached figure. The FWC Regional Domestic Water Facilities being proposed are a 551 gallon per minute domestic water well, a 2.15 million gallon domestic water above ground steel storage reservoir, a 4,551 gallon per minute domestic booster station and 4,240 lineal feet of 16-inch diameter domestic water transmission main along Cherry Avenue that will connect to the FWC Juniper Pressure Zone south of the site.
The proposed domestic water well will take groundwater from the FWC Baseline Zone and will be stored in the water storage reservoir. The booster station will pump the stored water through the 16-inch domestic water transmission main into the FWC Juniper Zone.
The Regional Domestic Water Facilities will provide service to the Speedway Commerce Center II and will also serve the unincorporated area of San Bernardino County that is within the Fontana Water Company service area. The estimated population that will be served by the Regional Domestic Water Facilities in the unincorporated area of San Bernardino County is 40,000 with an estimated area of 4,450 acres. The project schedule is two (2) years with estimated completion by October 2024.
Contact Information
Steven Valdez
Agency Name
San Bernardino County - Land Use Services
Job Title
Planning Manager
Contact Types
Lead/Public Agency
San Bernardino
Countywide, Southern California, Unincorporated
Parcel #
0230-051-14 & 15
Other Location Info
8334 Cherry Avenue
Notice of Exemption
Exempt Status
Categorical Exemption
Type, Section or Code
15303. New Construction or Conversion of Small Structures
Reasons for Exemption
Water mains, sewage, electrical, gas, and other utility extensions including street improvements, to serve individual customers.
County Clerk
San Bernardino
Notice of Exemption
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