Sac River to Knighton Fence


SCH Number
Public Agency
California Department of Transportation, District 2
Document Title
Sac River to Knighton Fence
Document Type
NOE - Notice of Exemption
Document Description
Description of Nature, Purpose and Beneficiaries of Project: The California Department of Transportation (Caltrans) using state funding, proposes to replace existing right-of-way (ROW) field fencing with new ROW fencing consisting of a 6-foot chain link. The existing field fence is failing and needs to be replaced. The proposed project will remove the failing existing fence and replace it with a 6-foot chain link fence. Where possible the existing postholes will be reused. Minimal vegetation will be cleared in order to replace the fencing. Fencing will be replaced in three locations, Northbound I-5 PM R7.0 to PM R8.2, Southbound I-5 PM R7.0 to PM R7.8, southbound I-5 PM R8.7 to PM R9.5.

Contact Information

Julie McFall
Agency Name
Caltrans District 2
Job Title
Senior Environmental Scientist
Contact Types
Lead/Public Agency


Northern California
State Highways
Interstate 5
Other Location Info
Postmile R 7.0 to R 9.7

Notice of Exemption

Exempt Status
Categorical Exemption
Type, Section or Code
15301 Class 1 (c)
Reasons for Exemption
This project is exempt because it is the maintenance of an existing facility, does not include the expansion of the existing use and has been determine not to have a significant effect on the environment.


Notice of Exemption

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