Butte Creek Canyon Preserve - SNC1439-LC


SCH Number
Public Agency
Sierra Nevada Conservancy
Document Title
Butte Creek Canyon Preserve - SNC1439-LC
Document Type
NOE - Notice of Exemption
Document Description
The Sierra Nevada Conservancy would provide funding for the Paradise Recreation and Park District (District) to purchase three parcels in Butte Creek Canyon comprising an approximately 20-acre property, encompassing about 2,000 linear feet of Butte Creek and associated riparian and upland terrain. The project consists of only the purchase and transfer of ownership of the property from the current owners to the District; a comprehensive, long-term management plan with full review under the California Environmental Quality Act will be prepared after the property is acquired by the District. Butte Creek still represents a relatively pristine example of a Sierra foothills stream, hosting one of the last remaining spring-runs of Chinook salmon in California, along with a diversity of aquatic, riparian and upland wildlife and plant species. The property contains three single-family homes and several outbuildings that could potentially be repurposed for a variety of public uses. Aside from the residences, the property is largely in a natural condition, providing migratory habitat for spring-run Chinook salmon, a robust riparian zone and relatively undisturbed upland vegetation.

Contact Information

Mary Akens
Agency Name
Sierra Nevada Conservancy
Job Title
Legal Counsel
Contact Types
Lead/Public Agency


Northern California
Other Location Info
5234 Coleman Ranch Rd, 13457 Centerville Rd, 13461 Centerville Rd, near the community of Centerville, approximately 3 miles west of Paradise, Butte County.

Notice of Exemption

Exempt Status
Categorical Exemption
Type, Section or Code
Class 16 Section 15316 Transfer of Ownership of Land in Order to Creat3 Parks
Reasons for Exemption
The project is categorically exempt from the provisions of CEQA pursuant to CEQA Guidelines Section 15316 Transfer of Ownership of Land in Order to Create Parks which consists of the acquisition, sale, or other transfer of land in order to establish a park where the land is in a natural condition or contains historical or archaeological resources and either: (a) The management plan for the park has not been prepared, or (b) The management plan proposes to keep the area in a natural condition or preserve the historic or archaeological resources. Although the project site contains three residences, it is largely in a natural condition, providing migratory habitat for spring-run Chinook salmon, a robust riparian zone, and relatively undisturbed upland vegetation. It also shows evidence of indigenous people’s presence and the area’s 19th century gold rush era. There is no existing management plan for the property; a comprehensive, long-term management plan with full review under the California Environmental Quality Act will be prepared after property is acquired by the District. SNC has independently reviewed the project and determined that no exception under Section 15300.2 applies.
County Clerk


Notice of Exemption

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