EGUSD High School Field Lighting Project
SCH Number
Public Agency
Elk Grove Unified School District
Document Title
EGUSD High School Field Lighting Project
Document Type
NOE - Notice of Exemption
Document Description
EGUSD is proposing to install outdoor sports field lighting at the existing track and field facilities located at five high schools. The field lighting will support EGUSD sponsored sports programs, including football, soccer, and track and field practices and events, which require later start times in response to California’s late-start law.
Contact Information
Bill Heinicke
Agency Name
Elk Grove Unified School District
Job Title
Director, Planning
Contact Types
Lead/Public Agency
Elk Grove
Other Location Info
Franklin High, Laguna Creek High, Pleasant Grove High, Valley High, and Florin High
Notice of Exemption
Exempt Status
Categorical Exemption
Type, Section or Code
14 CCR 15301
Reasons for Exemption
Environmental review did not identify any significant effects that would occur from the project, and the exceptions listed in Section 15300.2 of the CEQA Guidelines were found not to apply to the project. Analysis of lighting and glare showed that the light systems are designed and proposed to be utilized in a manner that minimizes light spill and glare and the results for all five high school fields are below established thresholds of significance. The project when combined with cumulative projects, is not anticipated to create a significant cumulative impact on an environmental resource. No unusual circumstances have been identified relative to the project. There are no State-designated scenic highways adjacent to or in view of the five high school sites. The school sites are not located on any of the resources pursuant to Section 65962.5 of the Government Code. Review identified no recorded archaeological resources, buildings or structures within or adjacent to the Project sites.
County Clerk
Notice of Exemption
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