Rio Nido Culvert Installations Mitigation Project
SCH Number
Public Agency
Sonoma County
Document Title
Rio Nido Culvert Installations Mitigation Project
Document Type
NOE - Notice of Exemption
Document Description
The proposed project will install a storm drain system that consolidates the sheet flow of off Bay Avenue and conveys it into the concrete lined stormwater collection channel.
Runoff from Bay Avenue will be conveyed via a new concrete curb to a series of catch basins down Bay Avenue before conveyed across Bay Avenue via an 18-inch HDPE to a drop inlet sized 36-inch x 36-inch x 48-inches tall. The runoff will then be conveyed for 38- feet via an 18-inch diameter HDPE to another 36-inch x 36-inch x 48-inches tall drain inlet located at the intersection of Bay Avenue and Willow Road. From the inlet, the run-off will be conveyed east for 55-feet through an installed 18-inch HDPE culvert under private land and discharge to the concrete lined channel. The project will cut a notch in the concrete wall of the lined channel at the outlet that will be grouted after the installation of the storm drain pipe. The project will not require work within a floodplain or wetlands and no flood plains or wetlands would be impacted by project activities.
This project will reduce flood damage to the private property and the road, reduce road closures for repairs, and reduce interruptions in access to homes by residents and emergency personnel.
The project will require excavation depth on the order of 6-feet deep to install the new storm drain system. The excavation may require removal of three existing trees and one tree stump. Following installation of the storm drain system, portions of Bay Avenue and Willow Road within the project limits will be paved.
Contact Information
Yoash Tilles
Agency Name
Sonoma County Public Infrastructure
Job Title
Contact Types
Lead/Public Agency
Cross Streets
Bay & Avenue & Willow Road
Other Location Info
unincorporated Sonoma County (Rio Nido)
Other Information
Rural Sonoma County
Notice of Exemption
Exempt Status
Declared Emergency
Type, Section or Code
Sec. 21080(b)(3); 15269(a)
Reasons for Exemption
This project is declared “Emergency Project” as designed by signed ‘Proclamation of Emergency’ by the State Governor pursuant to Government Code, Title 2, Division 1, Chapter 7 – California Emergency Services Act [8550-8669.7]
Project is categorically exempt per the following:
1) State of California CEQA Guidelines, Section 15269 (a), (b), (c) & (d).
§ 15269 - Emergency Projects
2) State of California CEQA Guidelines, Section 15301 (c)
§ 15301 – (Class 1) Existing Facilities
3) State of California CEQA Guidelines, Section 153
§ 15302 – (Class 2) Replacement or Reconstruction
This Notice of Exemption is filed pursuant to the provisions of Section 15062 of the State CEQA Guidelines.
Exempt Status
Emergency Project
Type, Section or Code
Sec. 21080(b)(4); 15269(b)(c)
Reasons for Exemption
This project is declared “Emergency Project” as designed by signed ‘Proclamation of Emergency’ by the State Governor pursuant to Government Code, Title 2, Division 1, Chapter 7 – California Emergency Services Act [8550-8669.7]
Project is categorically exempt per the following:
1) State of California CEQA Guidelines, Section 15269 (a), (b), (c) & (d).
§ 15269 - Emergency Projects
2) State of California CEQA Guidelines, Section 15301 (c)
§ 15301 – (Class 1) Existing Facilities
3) State of California CEQA Guidelines, Section 15302 (c
§ 15302 – (Class 2) Replacement or Reconstruction
This Notice of Exemption is filed pursuant to the provisions of Section 15062 of the State CEQA Guidelines.
Exempt Status
Categorical Exemption
Type, Section or Code
Class 1 - Existing Facilities §15301
Reasons for Exemption
This project is declared “Emergency Project” as designed by signed ‘Proclamation of Emergency’ by the State Governor pursuant to Government Code, Title 2, Division 1, Chapter 7 – California Emergency Services Act [8550-8669.7]
Project is categorically exempt per the following:
1) State of California CEQA Guidelines, Section 15269 (a), (b), (c) & (d).
§ 15269 - Emergency Projects
2) State of California CEQA Guidelines, Section 15301 (c)
§ 15301 – (Class 1) Existing Facilities
3) State of California CEQA Guidelines, Section 15302 (c)
§ 15302 – (Class 2) Replacement or Reconstruction
This Notice of Exemption is filed pursuant to the provisions of Section 15062 of the State CEQA Guidelines.
Exempt Status
Categorical Exemption
Type, Section or Code
Class 2 - Replacement or Reconstruction §15302
Reasons for Exemption
This project is declared “Emergency Project” as designed by signed ‘Proclamation of Emergency’ by the State Governor pursuant to Government Code, Title 2, Division 1, Chapter 7 – California Emergency Services Act [8550-8669.7]
Project is categorically exempt per the following:
1) State of California CEQA Guidelines, Section 15269 (a), (b), (c) & (d).
§ 15269 - Emergency Projects
2) State of California CEQA Guidelines, Section 15301 (c)
§ 15301 – (Class 1) Existing Facilities
3) State of California CEQA Guidelines, Section 15302 (c)
§ 15302 – (Class 2) Replacement or Reconstruction
This Notice of Exemption is filed pursuant to the provisions of Section 15062 of the State CEQA Guidelines.
County Clerk
Notice of Exemption
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