Lease Guaranty in Connection with the Establishment and Operation of a Rehabilitation Hospital for UC Irvine Health, Irvine Campus
SCH Number
Public Agency
University of California
Document Title
Lease Guaranty in Connection with the Establishment and Operation of a Rehabilitation Hospital for UC Irvine Health, Irvine Campus
Document Type
NOE - Notice of Exemption
Document Description
Approval of a lease guaranty in connection with the establishment and operation of a rehabilitation hospital by a joint venture (JV) formed by UCI Health and Kindred Healthcare, Inc.
Contact Information
Brian Harrington
Agency Name
University of California
Job Title
Director of Physical and Environmental Planning
Contact Types
Lead/Public Agency / Parties Undertaking Project
Southern California
Other Location Info
17931 Von Karman Avenue, Irvine, California
Notice of Exemption
Exempt Status
Type, Section or Code
Common Sense - Sec. 15061(b)(3))
Reasons for Exemption
The University has determined that the proposed action to approve the Lease Guaranty is not subject to and/or exempt from compliance with the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) for, including but not limited, to the following reasons: (1) the UC, as a participant in a joint venture with a private entity and lease guarantor, is not a lead agency and/or responsible agency and has no discretionary approval authority over the hospital project; (2) entitlement and development of the proposed UCI Health Rehabilitation Hospital is contingent on CEQA compliance pursuant to CEQA Guidelines Section 15004(b)(2)(A); (3) the proposed action does not constitute “approval” of a project under CEQA; and (4) it can be determined with certainty that there is no possibility that the activity in question (approval of the lease guarantee that only becomes effective after completion of the project in compliance with CEQA) may have a significant effect on the environment, i.e., the “common sense exemption.” (CEQA Guidelines §15061(b)(3)).
Notice of Exemption
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