Isolation Valves Along 33-inch-diameter Pipeline
SCH Number
Public Agency
Elsinore Valley Municipal Water District
Document Title
Isolation Valves Along 33-inch-diameter Pipeline
Document Type
NOE - Notice of Exemption
Document Description
The project would occur at two locations in the City of Lake Elsinore address and cross streets or attach a along an existing 33-inch-diamter pipeline located near the San Jacinto River. Two (2) valves would be located under an access road near Cottonwood Pump Station No. 1 and immediately southeast of the access road's intersection with Old Newport Road/Railroad Canyon Road (33°39'52.7"N, 117°16'36.8"W). Two (2) valves would also be installed immediately east of the Tuscany Pump Station, which is located at the eastern terminus of Via de la Valle. These valves would be constructed belowground adjacent to the pump station's eastern wall and under the unpaved Old Newport Road/Longhorn Drive
(33°40'18.5"N., l l7°16'17.6"W).
Contact Information
Jase Warner
Agency Name
Elsinore Valley Municipal Water District
Job Title
Director of Operations
Contact Types
Lead/Public Agency
Lake Elsinore
Other Location Info
The project would occur at two locations in the City of Lake Elsinore
address and cross streets or attach a along an existing 33-inch-diamter pipeline located near the San Jacinto map showing project site: River. Two (2) valves would be located under an access road near Cottonwood Pump Station No. 1 and immediately southeast of the access road's intersection with Old Newport Road/Railroad Canyon
Road (33°39'52.7"N, 117°16'36.S"W). Two (2) valves would also be installed immediately east of the Tuscany Pump Station, which is located at the eastern terminus of Via de la Valle. These valves would be constructed belowground adjacent to the pump station's eastern wall and under the unpaved Old Newport Road/Longhorn Drive (33°40'18.5"N., l l7°16'17.6"W).
Notice of Exemption
Exempt Status
Categorical Exemption
Type, Section or Code
§15301, Class 1 Exemption, Existing Facilities; §15302, Class 2 Exemption, Replacement or Reconstruction
Reasons for Exemption
The project consists of minor modification to an existing
pipeline and the reconstruction of the affected area. One
of the two project locations is where a road crosses a
section of the San Jacinto River. This location is currently
paved with concrete; construction would comply with
applicable laws, regulations, and permit conditions; and
the post-construction surface would be similar to the
existing surface, with the exception of an access point
(e.g., vault) that would be flush with the paved concrete
surface. Accordingly, this does not constitute a unique
circumstance that would it result in a significant effect on
the environment. The other two valves would be located
under previously disturbed ground located adjacent to an
existing pump station and within an existing access road.
The project would not increase the capacity of the
existing pipeline.
County Clerk
Notice of Exemption
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