Long-Duration Energy Storage Demonstration with Viejas Tribe


SCH Number
Public Agency
California Energy Commission
Document Title
Long-Duration Energy Storage Demonstration with Viejas Tribe
Document Type
NOE - Notice of Exemption
Document Description
The project is a 100 percent renewable microgrid for the Viejas Business Enterprises group of tribally owned businesses that includes an outlet center, business zone, casino, resort, and two hotels. The project will occur within the existing Viejas Business Enterprises commercial facility of the Viejas Reservation located in unincorporated San Diego County east of the community of Alpine, California. The project will be supported in part by a California Energy Commission grant with the purpose to scale non-lithium-ion long duration energy storage (LDES) configured in a Hybrid Module Storage System (HMSS) arrangement to demonstrate how LDES can sustain critical facility operations at a scale of 6 megawatts (MW) for 10 hours, support Public Safety Power Shut Off (PSPS) scenarios, and enable 100 percent renewable penetration throughout California. This will be accomplished by installing and operating a 60 megawatt-hour (MWh) hybrid system with vanadium redox flow battery (VRFB) and zinc hybrid cathode (ZHC) battery LDES combined with a 15-MW car port mounted solar photovoltaic (PV) system configured in a behind the meter application that will provide energy security on a 12 kilovolt (kV) microgrid.

Contact Information

Sean Anayah
Agency Name
California Energy Commission
Job Title
Energy Commission Specialist I
Contact Types
Lead/Public Agency


San Diego
San Diego
Southern California
Cross Streets
5000-5636 Willows Road
Parcel #
APN 406-051-13-00 and APN 406-070-10-00

Notice of Exemption

Exempt Status
Categorical Exemption
Type, Section or Code
Cal. Code Regs., tit 14, § 15301
Reasons for Exemption
This project will involve the installation of a solar PV carport system, within an existing parking lot. The PV system installation includes steel carport structures on new concrete pilings and electrical conduit to connect the system to the 12 kV microgrid loop. All solar PV panels will have an antiglare coating that maximizes light absorption and minimizes glare. Any potential glare from the operation of the solar PV system will be minimal. Equipment associated with each solar PV array will not occupy more than 500 square feet of ground surface and will be located on the same parcels as the solar panels (APNs 406-051-13-00 and 406-070-10-00). The project does not involve offsite federal Clean Water Act permit; waste discharge requirements pursuant to the Porter-Cologne Water Quality Control Act; incidental take permit for species protected under the federal Endangered Species Act or the California Endangered Species Act; streambed alteration permit pursuant to the California Fish and Game Code; or removal of protected or native plants and trees. For these reasons, the PV portion of the project is statutorily exempt from CEQA under Public Resources Code, section 21080.35, provided for installation of a solar energy system on the roof of an existing building or at an existing parking lot. The project will install and operate a microgrid system combining a solar PV system and VRFB and ZHC LDES within previously disturbed areas at the Viejas Indian Reservation Business Enterprises facility. The microgrid system installation will be a minor alteration to an existing facility within the interior of the Viejas Indian Reservation with no expansion beyond the reservation operation. Vehicle trips associated with the construction of the project will be temporary and the operation of the microgrid system will result in a negligible number of regular operational trips for maintenance. BMPs will be used during installation and operation of the micro grid system. Therefore, no adverse effects to off-site air or water quality will occur as a result of the project. The installation and operation of the microgrid system would not substantially degrade the existing visual character or quality of off-reservation visual resources, as the system components are not visually obtrusive. The project will not have a significant adverse effect on the off-reservation environment due to unusual circumstances, result in a significant cumulative impact, damage resources within a designated state scenic highway, cause a substantial adverse change to the significance of a historical resource, or be located on a listed hazardous waste site. For these reasons, the project is categorically exempt from CEQA under California Code of Regulations, title 14, section 15301, as a minor alteration of existing facility, involving no expansion of the existing use.
County Clerk
San Diego


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