Conditional Use Permit No. CU 21-03 and Development Review No. DR-6-21-12018
SCH Number
Public Agency
City of Bellflower
Document Title
Conditional Use Permit No. CU 21-03 and Development Review No. DR-6-21-12018
Document Type
NOE - Notice of Exemption
Document Description
The subject site would be developed with five, one-story commercial buildings totaling 20,404 square feet. Three commercial pads would incorporate restaurants with drive-through components; another pad would incorporate a fuel station and a convenience store with accessory off-site alcohol sales; and another pad would incorporate retail and food uses. Each commercial pad could potentially be sold as separate properties.
Contact Information
Rowena Genilo-Concepcion
Agency Name
City of Bellflower
Job Title
Planning Manager
Contact Types
Lead/Public Agency
Los Angeles
Southern California
Cross Streets
Bellflower Boulevard, Ramona Street, and Cedar Street
Total Acres
Parcel #
7161-012-001 / 002 / 003 / 040
State Highways
91 Freeway
Thomas Jefferson Elem School, Las Flores Educ Center
Notice of Exemption
Exempt Status
Categorical Exemption
Type, Section or Code
Section 15332, Class 32 (Infill Development Projects)
Reasons for Exemption
Section 15332 of the CEQA Guidelines (Class 32) categorically exempts the proposed commercial project from further environmental evaluation due to the following reasons:
1. The subject site totals 3.98 acres and therefore, is less than the five-acre size maximum required to qualify for the Class 32 Categorical Exemption.
2. The commercial project is consistent with the site’s “C-Commercial” General Plan designation and “Design for Development for the South Bellflower Commercial Area (DFD)” zoning classification. Though the project’s commercial land uses are permitted by the City’s General Plan and Zoning Code, conditional use permits have been approved to allow for proposed drive-throughs, a fuel station use, and accessory off-site alcohol sales. The proposed commercial uses are also consistent and compatible with other neighboring land uses.
3. The subject site has been graded and cleared for previous uses, including a car dealership, a restaurant, and an auto repair shop. These structures were demolished in 2018; the subject site is currently vacant. The subject site has no value as a habitat for endangered, rare or threatened species.
4. The commercial project will not result in any significant effects related to traffic, noise, air quality, greenhouse gases, hazardous materials, geotechnical, or soil vapors. The following technical studies were prepared to evaluate potential environmental impacts: (a) “Traffic Study Bellflower Convenience Center Project”, prepared by Kimley Horn, February 2022; (b) “Acoustical Assessment Bellflower Convenience Center Project”, prepared by Kimley Horn, June 2022; (c) “Air Quality Assessment Bellflower Convenience Center Project”, prepared by Kimley Horn, February 2022; (d) “Greenhouse Gas Emissions Assessment Bellflower Convenience Center Project”, prepared by Kimley Horn, February 2022; (e) “Phase I Environmental Site Assessment”, prepared by Gabriel Environmental, December 16, 2019; (f) “Updated Geotechnical Engineering Investigation Proposed Retail Shopping Center”, prepared by Krazan and Associates, May 26, 2021; and (g) “Environmental Assessment Geophysical Survey Soil Vapor Investigation”, prepared by Athanor Environmental, February 6, 2022. Each of the foregoing technical studies concluded that the proposed commercial project will not result in any significant environmental impacts. Neighboring land uses will not be significantly impacted by the proposed commercial project.
5. The subject site is located within an urbanized area, which is already served by all public utilities. The commercial project is not proposing any land uses or activities that would significantly burden existing utiltity services and/or infrastructure. The commercial project will be adquately serviced with all public utilities and services.
County Clerk
Los Angeles
Notice of Exemption
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