Westside Park Improvements Project


SCH Number
Public Agency
Rio Linda-Elverta Recreation & Park District
Document Title
Westside Park Improvements Project
Document Type
NOE - Notice of Exemption
Document Description
The District is proposing improvements to the existing Westside Park. The project goal is to convert the existing sand volleyball courts to a family gathering area which would include a shade structure, picnic tables, and BBQ grills. Other proposed improvements include removing the single stall restroom building and replacing it with a multi-stall restroom and storage building, and adding walkway connections and bike racks. The remaining portion of the sand volleyball courts would be converted into a lawn area with shade trees as a future phase.

Contact Information

Mike Heller
Agency Name
Rio Linda-Elverta Recreation and Park District
Job Title
General Manager
Contact Types
Lead/Public Agency


Unincorporated area
Parcel #
206-0200-040 and 206-0200-041

Notice of Exemption

Exempt Status
Categorical Exemption
Type, Section or Code
Section 15301 Class 1(c) and 1(d), Class 3(e), and Class 4(b)
Reasons for Exemption
The proposed structures described above would be small in size and quantity. The proposed project would not result in an increase to the size or capacity of the park and there would not be any expansion of use beyond existing conditions. No healthy, mature, scenic trees would be removed, and new water efficient landscaping is proposed. The proposed project would be exempt from detailed CEQA review pursuant to Sections 15301, 15303, and 15304 of the CEQA Guidelines and would not meet any of the exceptions listed in Section 15300.2 of the CEQA Guidelines that would make the Categorical Exemption inapplicable.
County Clerk


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