City of Mendota Stormwater Improvement Project
SCH Number
Public Agency
City of Mendota
Document Title
City of Mendota Stormwater Improvement Project
Document Type
NOE - Notice of Exemption
Document Description
The City of Mendota Stormwater Improvement Project (Project) will reduce
flooding while providing multiple benefits for this Severely Disadvantaged
Community. The Project includes Low Impact Development (LID) and
conventional storm drainage infrastructure, which will function to mitigate the
effects of urbanization and address severe flooding along Naples Street that
is a significant risk to public safety and property. The Project includes
construction of approximately 1,030 linear feet of storm drain pipe and inlets
along two blocks of Naples Street, between 8th and 10th Streets, that will
collect urban runoff from a 164-acre contributing drainage area. Approximately
1-acre of street reconstruction will establish the appropriate grade to route
runoff to the new inlets. Flows along Naples St. within the project area will be
routed through 21 LID storm water "tree sponges" that will capture storm water
for treatment and infiltration. The majority of runoff captured along Naples
Street will be routed to a new 2.13-acre extended dry detention basin (basin),
which will be constructed on what is currently a private parcel that will be
conveyed to the City for the Project. Excess runoff volumes from the basin will
be discharged via a lift station to the existing drainage course. The Project also
includes acquisition of easements, utility relocations, new power supply,
landscaping planting, and pedestrian facilities ancillary to the drainage
improvements. The Project supports local and regional objectives related to
flood management, ecosystems, water supply, and DAC participation in
regional water resource management.
Contact Information
Michael Osborn
Agency Name
City of Mendota
Job Title
City Engineer
Contact Types
Lead/Public Agency / Project Applicant / Parties Undertaking Project
Cross Streets
Naples Street, between 8th and 10th Streets
Other Location Info
The City of Mendota Stormwater Improvement Project (Project) will reduce flooding while providing multiple benefits for this Severely Disadvantaged Community. The Project includes Low Impact Development (LID) and conventional storm drainage infrastructure, which will function to mitigate the effects of urbanization and address severe flooding along Naples Street that is a significant risk to public safety and property. The Project includes construction of approximately 1,030 linear feet of storm drain pipe and inlets along two blocks of Naples Street, between 8th and 10th Streets, that will collect urban runoff from a 164-acre contributing drainage area. Approximately 1-acre of street reconstruction will establish the appropriate grade to route runoff to the new inlets. Flows along Naples St. within the project area will be routed through 21 LID storm water "tree sponges" that will capture storm water for treatment and infiltration. The majority of runoff captured along Naples Street will be routed to a new 2.13-acre extended dry detention basin (basin), which will be constructed on what is currently a private parcel that will be conveyed to the City for the Project. Excess runoff volumes from the basin will be discharged via a lift station to the existing drainage course. The Project also includes acquisition of easements, utility relocations, new power supply, landscaping planting, and pedestrian facilities ancillary to the drainage improvements. The Project supports local and regional objectives related to flood management, ecosystems, water supply, and DAC participation in regional water resource management.
Notice of Exemption
Exempt Status
Categorical Exemption
Type, Section or Code
Reasons for Exemption
The Project is exempt from CEQA pursuant to Section 15302 of the CEQA Guidelines because the Project proposes to improve the conveyance of the same amount of storm water runoff from the Drainage Management Area through the project site in a safer and more appropriate manner; eliminating the surface flooding and improving public health and safety. No new storm drain inlets are proposed and the new storm drain pipe system is replacing the existing undersized and/or destroyed pipe system in essentially the same alignment. The basin is replacing the ad-hoc detention of the currently undeveloped former agricultural processing plant (APN 013-152-26S; 1073 Naples Street). A basin of similar size was also approved as part of the proposed church development at 1073 Naples Street and found to be Categorically Exempt under Section 15332 (Infill Development).
County Clerk
Notice of Exemption
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