Parker Flats Apartments Project
SCH Number
Public Agency
City of Seaside
Document Title
Parker Flats Apartments Project
Document Type
NOE - Notice of Exemption
Document Description
The proposed project would involve conversion of an existing abandoned military nursing barracks on the former Fort Ord into residential apartments with 42 dwelling units, including two one-bedroom units, 29 two-bedroom units, and 11 three-bedroom units. The project site is located at 4386 – 4387 Parker Flats Cut Off Road in the City of Seaside, within the former Fort Ord. Project activities would be contained entirely within the footprint of two existing three-story vacant military nursing barracks buildings, an existing paved parking lot, and an existing paved driveway. The project site is located on a 4.9-acre parcel.
The proposed project would involve the renovation the two existing buildings (Buildings A and B) on the project site to convert them into residential apartments. Building A is the southern building, oriented in a northwest-southeast direction near the existing parking area; Building B is the northern building, oriented in a northeast-southwest direction. The two buildings meet to form an “L” shape, as shown in Figure 2. The existing parking lot is located southwest of Building A.
Building A has an existing footprint of 19,909 square feet (sf) and Building B has an existing footprint of 19,380 sf. Building A would house 21 dwelling units, including two one-bedroom, 14 two-bedroom and five three-bedroom units, as well as the laundromat and administration offices. Building B would house 21 dwelling units, including 15 two-bedroom and six three-bedroom units. Twenty percent, or nine units, would be deed restricted as affordable, including three very low income, three low income, and three moderate income units. The remaining 33 units would be affordable by design, given the units are physically smaller and more efficiently designed, and therefore would be expected to be below market value. The existing footprint of both buildings would be unchanged as a result of the project, other than the addition of a 157 square foot electrical room. The project characteristics, including building footprint, floor area, unit count, and parking is provided Table 1.
Contact Information
Beth Rocha
Agency Name
City of Seaside
Job Title
Senior Planner
Contact Types
Lead/Public Agency
Cross Streets
Parker Flats Cut Off Road
Total Acres
State Highways
State Route 1
CSU Monterey Bay, Chartwell, George C. Marshall, Seaside Middle
Pacific Ocean
Notice of Exemption
Exempt Status
Categorical Exemption
Type, Section or Code
Reasons for Exemption
The City of Seaside determined that the project is consistent with the general plan designation (High Density Residential, or RH) and all applicable general plan policies as well as with applicable zoning designation (High Density Residential, HR) and regulations in accordance with item (a) above. Specifically, given that 20 percent of the units would be deed restricted as affordable and the remainder would be affordable by design, the project would be consistent with the following Seaside General Plan policies:
Policy H-1.1 Promote the repair, improvement and rehabilitation of housing in order to enhance the quality of life for Seaside residents
Policy LU-4.3 Protect and preserve conforming and non-conforming multi-family residential in order to continue to provide low cost and alternative housing opportunities for Seaside residents
Policy H-1.6 Ensure the units produced for extremely low, very low, low and moderate are maintained as affordable units through deed restrictions and other reasonable mechanisms.
See the attached categorical exemption report for full discussion of justification for the Class 32 Exemption.
County Clerk
Notice of Exemption
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