Truck Trail Fuel Break
SCH Number
Public Agency
California Department of Parks and Recreation
Document Title
Truck Trail Fuel Break
Document Type
NOE - Notice of Exemption
Document Description
Reduce vegetation fuel loads and maintain vegetation clearances along the Truck Trail corridor in Henry Cowell Redwoods State Park to increase ability for fire suppression personnel to control a wildfire. Hand crews and mechanical equipment will work within 500-feet of either side of the truck trail as conditions allow. Project will:
• Remove and/or break up concentrations of dead surface fuels;
• Limb up trees to limit ladder fuels;
• Remove redwoods 12-inches or less in diameter at breast height to achieve forest thinning;
• Remove other tree species to meet a 10 to 20-foot spacing and remove some brush cover to lower brush density; and
• Pile and stored cut materials for burn piles and/or burning in a curtain burner.
All burn and smoke permits will be approved prior to ignitions. Work will be conducted under supervision of State Archaeologist to establish avoidance areas as needed. A qualified staff member will conduct a nesting bird survey and establish avoidance areas if work is conducted within nesting bird season.
Contact Information
Linda Hitchcock
Agency Name
Department of Parks and Recreation
Job Title
Senior Park and Recreation Specialist
Contact Types
Lead/Public Agency
unincorporated area
Santa Cruz
State Highways
Highway 9
San Lorenzo River
Notice of Exemption
Exempt Status
Categorical Exemption
Type, Section or Code
15301, 15304
Reasons for Exemption
Project consist of the operation, maintenance or minor alteration of existing public or private structures or facilities involving negligible or no expansion of use beyond current levels, and minor public or private alterations in the condition of land, water, and/or vegetation which do not involve the removal of healthy, mature, scenic trees except for forestry or agricultural purposes and is included as “resource management projects” in the Department of Parks and Recreation’s list of exempt activities in accordance with CCR§15300.4.
Notice of Exemption
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