Accessibility Improvements Project


SCH Number
Public Agency
California Department of Parks and Recreation
Document Title
Accessibility Improvements Project
Document Type
NOE - Notice of Exemption
Document Description
Complete accessibility upgrades in various areas at Grizzly Creek Redwoods State Park to bring two (2) campsites, a campground combination building, day use facilities, and the Cheatham Grove Trail into compliance with California State Parks accessibility guidelines and associated legal mandates. Work will: In the Grizzly Creek Campground at sites #12 and #15: Remove existing camping facilities; Install concrete surface parking stalls and poured concrete picnic table spaces; Install new fire pits and tent pad spaces with a timber–edged aggregate surface; Reinstall existing bear boxes next to new paved areas; and Upgrade adjacent water stations with concrete surfaces and ADA compliant grates. At the Campground Combination Building: Remodel the existing single user restroom into fully a compliant room (without shower); Remodel/convert the existing laundry room into new accessible shower room; Replace the concrete apron around the north and west sides of the building; Raise (cut) up the eave on the north side of building for proper head clearance; Replace rotten wood siding as needed; Pave an existing foot path from combination building to campground road; Remove duplicate route from road to restroom; and Construct level pad for information shelter and trash receptacles adjacent to road. At the Day Use and Picnic Area: Construct two (2) new accessible picnic pads with compacted aggregate base surfacing and timber edging; Utilize existing area water lines to install a new water station; Install an aggregate path of travel linking the parking and picnic sites, and extending to existing campfire center; Remove existing asphalt paving at the eastern end of the day use area to install a new concrete van accessible parking stall; and Construct a level compact aggregate pad at the top of the amphitheater to allow viewing and companion seating. On the Cheatham Grove Trail: Construct a new concrete accessible (van) parking stall in the parking lot; Link the path of travel to the existing trailhead location; Level the trailhead and install a new compacted aggregate base surface; Use dry-stacked rock wall to retain soil necessary to level parking and trailhead using larger rock to exclude autos from the trailhead area; and Reset interpretive shelter to meet height and clearance requirements. The Cheatham Grove trail will receive general tread maintenance in segments that are deemed deficient and do not meet current trail standards. This work can be considered general maintenance.

Contact Information

Monica L. Aleman
Agency Name
Department of Parks and Recreation
Job Title
Environmental Coordinator
Contact Types
Lead/Public Agency


Northern California
Cross Streets
Highway 36, State Park Road
State Highways
Highway 36
Grizzly Creek, Van Duzen River
Other Location Info
Grizzly Creek State Park

Notice of Exemption

Exempt Status
Categorical Exemption
Type, Section or Code
Class 1, 3 & 4 Sections: 15301,15303 & 15304
Reasons for Exemption
Project consists of the maintenance and minor alteration of existing public facilities involving negligible of no expansion of use beyond current levels; the construction and location of limited numbers of small new facilities and structures; and the minor public alteration in the condition of land and vegetation, included as “Modifications of existing facilities for disabled access” and “Construction or installation of park facilities such as restrooms, interpretive signing or panels and fencing and gates” in the Department of Parks and Recreation’s list of exempt activities in accordance with CCR §15300.4.


Disclaimer: The Governor’s Office of Land Use and Climate Innovation (LCI) accepts no responsibility for the content or accessibility of these documents. To obtain an attachment in a different format, please contact the lead agency at the contact information listed above. For more information, please visit LCI’s Accessibility Site.

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