North Shore, Dale Kiler, and Booster Station Replacements Project


SCH Number
Public Agency
Coachella Valley Water District (CVWD)
Document Title
North Shore, Dale Kiler, and Booster Station Replacements Project
Document Type
NOE - Notice of Exemption
Document Description
CVWD proposes to replace approximately five miles of existing deteriorating pipelines in the North Shore and Dale Kiler Road areas. The pipelines associated with both project components (North Shore and Dale Kiler) were installed approximately 28 years ago and have experienced water main leaks in the past several years. These leaks are due to corrosion and often result in an interruption of water services to customers during repairs. The associated Booster Stations (7101, 7102, and 7990) are also in need of replacement. The North Shore project component includes replacement of 13,150 linear feet of domestic water mains with 24-inch, 12-inch, and 10-inch diameter ductile iron pipe (DIP) and associated appurtenances. The existing asbestos cement (AC) pipeline includes 4-inch, 6-inch, 8-inch, 10-inch, and 12-inch diameter water mains in need of replacement to upgrade the deteriorated transmission main. The replacement pipeline will be installed in a previously disturbed area within the public street right-of-way. The replacement project involves excavating to a maximum depth of 12 feet within CVWD's right-of-way to allow for placement of the new DIP pipeline. Trenchless pipe installation techniques are planned where the 12-inch water main along Bay Drive crosses under the existing railroad tracks. CVWD will abandon-in-place and slurry cement-fill the old existing AC pipelines. Construction duration is expected to last approximately 6 months. The Dale Kiler project component includes replacement of corroded DIP and appurtenances within Dale Kiler Road and in nearby streets in the unincorporated community of Mecca. The purpose of the project is to replace approximately 13,600 linear feet of existing 8-inch and 12-inch DIP domestic water mains with new polyvinyl chloride (PVC) pipe. The replacement pipeline will be installed in a previously disturbed area within the public street right-of-way. Excavation of the pipeline trench would be approximately 13,600 feet long to a maximum depth of 11 feet below ground surface and approximately 3 feet wide within Dale Kiler Road; segments of nearby 4th, 5th, 6th and 7th Streets; Frank J. Valdovino Road; and Pie de la Cuesta, Thunderbird, Mecca II and Mecca III apartment complexes. Construction duration is expected to last approximately 6 months. The BS replacements includes the construction of new concrete pads and structures adjacent to the existing Booster Station’s 7101, 7102, and 7990. The structures would contain new vertical turbine pumps and generators. Upgrades to the existing Motor Control Centers at each BS site are also proposed. Construction and staging would occur at each BS site and the project is expected to last approximately 6 months. Cultural resources studies were prepared for the Project in 2021. The Project would not have a significant effect on historical or archaeological resources and would have no effect on historic properties under Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act. The Project would implement a standard practice for the unanticipated discovery of cultural resources during project development and would also adhere to regulations regarding the unanticipated discovery of human remains. Biological resources memoranda were prepared for the Project in 2021. Three special-status plant species and four special-status wildlife species were found to have low to moderate potential to occur within the Project sites; none of these species were observed during the field surveys. The Project is not located within any federally designated critical habitat area and is not located within or immediately adjacent to a conservation area associated with the Coachella Valley Multiple Species Habitat Conservation Plan and Natural Community Conservation Plan (CVMSHCP/NCCP). CVWD would implement standard practices necessary for compliance with California Fish and Game Code Section 3503, California Fish and Game Code Section 3503.5, and the Migratory Bird Treaty Act, which would minimize potential temporary construction-related impacts on nesting birds that may be present within the APEs during the bird nesting season. Air quality technical memoranda were prepared for all project components and present the emissions of criteria pollutants from construction and operation. Emissions for each individual project component are below the federal de minimis levels and the maximum annual combined emissions from all project components are also below the de minimis levels. The project components are therefore exempt from a conformity decision.

Contact Information

Dan Ruiz
Agency Name
Coachella Valley Water District
Job Title
Engineering Manager
Contact Types
Lead/Public Agency


North Shore, Mecca
Other Location Info
The North Shore Project is located in the unincorporated community of North Shore, CA. The pipeline alignment begins at the northeast corner of the Highway 111 and Bay Drive intersection, traveling eastwardly along Bay Drive to Vander Veer Road, then northerly to the intersection of Vander Veer Road and 70th Avenue. From there, a portion of the pipeline alignment travels approximately 400 feet west along 70th Avenue; and the other portion of the pipeline traveling east along 70th Avenue ending at Reservoir 7101. An approximate 650-foot segment travels south from 70th Avenue at Sea View Way, and west to Lookout Drive. The Dale Kiler pipeline alignment is within the existing street right-of-way of Dale Kiler Road and nearby streets which includes street segments of 4th, 5th, 6th and 7th Streets; Frank J. Valdovino Road; and Pie de la Cuesta, Thunderbird, Mecca II and Mecca III apartment complexes that are within the unincorporated community of Mecca, CA. All three Booster Station (BS) replacements are located on Coachella Valley Water District (CVWD) owned property in unincorporated Riverside County. BS 7101 is located approximately 0.3 miles east of Sea View Way on the south side of 70th Avenue (APN 723-180-004). BS 7102 is located at the corner of Vander Veer Road and Bounty Avenue in North Shore (APN 721-235-021). BS 7990 is located on Avenue 70, approximately three miles southeast of Mecca (APN 729-120-020).

Notice of Exemption

Exempt Status
Categorical Exemption
Type, Section or Code
15301, 15302
Reasons for Exemption
State CEQA Guidelines §15301 (Existing Facilities) allows for the repair and maintenance of existing public structures and facilities involving negligible or no expansion of use. In addition, State CEQA Guidelines §15302 (Replacement or Reconstruction) allows for the replacement of existing structures and facilities where the new structure will be located on the same site as the structure replaced and will have substantially the same purpose and capacity as the structure replaced. The North Shore and Dale Kiler Water Main Replacement Projects would replace existing pipelines in the same alignments and would not involve expansion of use. The Booster Station Replacements Project would replace existing BSs at the same site and would not involve expansion of use.
County Clerk


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