City of Orange Cove Bike Lane, Sidewalk, and Pedestrian Crossing Improvement Project


SCH Number
Public Agency
City of Orange Cove
Document Title
City of Orange Cove Bike Lane, Sidewalk, and Pedestrian Crossing Improvement Project
Document Type
NOE - Notice of Exemption
Document Description
The project will add approximately 7,945 linear feet of Class II bike lanes on South Ave, Center Street and C Street, will construct approximately 3,100 linear feet of sidewalk along 4th Street from B Street to Park Boulevard and D Street from 4th Street to 2nd Street, and construct ADA compliant curb ramp at the intersection of E & 4th Street.

Contact Information

Rudy Hernandez
Agency Name
City of Orange Cove
Job Title
Interim City Manager
Contact Types
Lead/Public Agency

Angela Hall
Agency Name
City of Orange Cove
Job Title
Assistant City Engineer
Contact Types
Lead/Public Agency


Orange Cove
Citywide, Southern California
Cross Streets
South Avenue, Center Street, C, D, 4th Streets, and at the intersection of E & 4th

Notice of Exemption

Exempt Status
Categorical Exemption
Type, Section or Code
15301, 15304
Reasons for Exemption
The project is exempt from review under CEQA because it involves the creation of bike lanes, sidewalks and ADA compliant curb ramp on the City of Orange Cove's existing right-of-way. The project will not involve the creation of additional automobile lanes.
County Clerk


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