Use Permit Application No. PLN2022-0017 – Bentlines Design and Fabrication, LLC
2 Documents in Project
SCH Number
Lead Agency
Stanislaus County
Document Title
Use Permit Application No. PLN2022-0017 – Bentlines Design and Fabrication, LLC
Document Type
CON - Early Consultation
Present Land Use
Single-family dwelling, open field, and shop / General Agriculture / Agriculture
Document Description
Request to permit operation of an agricultural equipment repair and manufacturing business in an existing 2,400± square-foot shop and allow for future construction of a new 4,800± square-foot shop in two phases on an 8.71± acre parcel in the A-2-40 zoning district. The business currently operates under a Home Occupation license and conducts equipment repairs on-site at customer locations around the Central Valley. The request would allow for the fabrication of parts and repairs to be conducted on-site. The applicant will continue to serve customers in the Central Valley, including Stanislaus, San Joaquin, Merced and other counties. The site is currently improved with a 3,328± square-foot single-family dwelling, open field area, and 2,400± square-foot shop consisting of a restroom, office and storage area. An existing 4-foot-tall barbed-wire fence runs along the perimeter of the project site. Phase 1 will utilize the existing 2,400± square-foot shop, and develop eight parking stalls for employee and customer parking. The applicant also proposes to install 6-foot-tall chain-link fencing and shrubs around the existing driveway, shop and proposed parking stalls. Two gates are proposed at the front of the project site, and one behind the existing shop for farm equipment to access the field. The proposed hours of operation are Monday through Friday from 6:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m., and occasionally on weekends from 6:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. under special circumstances. The applicant anticipates six employees on a maximum shift, and a maximum of two customers on-site per day. One truck trip per day for deliveries is anticipated for Phase 1.
Phase 2 will consist of the construction of a 4,800± square-foot shop building, fencing and landscaping. The new building will be used for the same uses as Phase 1. The building for Phase 2 will be similar in exterior design as the existing shop and improvements proposed in Phase 1. The number of employees is anticipated to increase by two as part of Phase 2 for a total of ten employees on a maximum shift. No increase in the number of customers on-site is anticipated under Phase 2. Phase 2 will develop four additional parking spaces to accommodate the increase in employees for a total of twelve parking spaces. Truck deliveries are expected to increase by one for a total of two truck trips per day under Phase 2. Phase 1 is anticipated to begin development immediately upon approval. Phase 2 is anticipated to commence within two to three years of project approval. The project site has access to South Vincent Road, and is served by private well and septic system.
Contact Information
Emily Basnight
Agency Name
Stanislaus County Planning and Community Development
Job Title
Assistant Planner
Contact Types
Lead/Public Agency
Border of Stanislaus and Merced County , Turlock
Citywide, Countywide
Cross Streets
South Santa Fe Avenue
Total Acres
Parcel #
State Highways
Burlington Northern Santa Fe
Turlock Unified
Turlock Irrigation District Main Canal and Highline Canal
Notice of Completion
Development Types
Commercial (Sq. Ft. 7200, Acres 8.71, Employees 10)
Local Actions
Use Permit
Project Issues
None identified at this time
Public Review Period Start
Public Review Period End
Draft Environmental Document [Draft IS, NOI_NOA_Public notices, OPR Summary Form, Appx,]
Notice of Completion [NOC] Transmittal form
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