Northern Trinity County Forest Resilience Partnership: Little Browns Creek, Weaver Basin, and Oregon Fire areas


SCH Number
Public Agency
Trinity County Resource Conservation District
Document Title
Northern Trinity County Forest Resilience Partnership: Little Browns Creek, Weaver Basin, and Oregon Fire areas
Document Type
NOE - Notice of Exemption
Document Description
The Trinity County Resource Conservation District (the District) plans to implement fuels reduction and forest resilience treatments in the form of manual thinning and piling, site prep, planting, mastication, and pile and broadcast burning in the Weaver Basin and Little Browns Creek areas of Trinity County, CA. This project is an integral part of the District’s landscape strategy aimed at protecting Trinity County communities from future catastrophic wildfire events, returning the county’s forests to a healthy condition, and reintroducing good fire to the landscape. Fuel reduction treatments will be strategically implemented in overstocked stands in or near the WUI that will contribute to community protection based on topography and historical fire patterns. The project will be implemented on land managed by the Bureau of Land Management and United States Forest Service and includes treatments on approximately 350 acres over 3-5 years. The prescription includes hand thinning and mastication of small diameter (less than 10” DBH) conifers and shrubs. Emphasis will be placed on eliminating the continuity of surface and ladder fuels. Some sub canopy trees may be removed to break up vertical continuity to dominant trees as well as to raise the canopy base height, which will reduce future fire intensity. Cut materials will bucked and piled, lopped and scattered, or masticated depending on topography and fuel conditions. These treatments will be followed with pile and/or broadcast burns to maintain or improve forest stand conditions. In previously burned areas, treatments may include site preparation and tree planting.

Contact Information

Chris Cole
Agency Name
Trinity County Resource Conservation District
Job Title
Forest Health Program Manager
Contact Types
Lead/Public Agency


Northern California, Unincorporated
Total Acres

Notice of Exemption

Exempt Status
Statutory Exemption
Type, Section or Code
SB 901
Reasons for Exemption
It has been determined that no exceptions apply which would preclude the use of a Notice of Exemption for this project. This project is consistent with the requirements stated in Senate Bill 901: It is a fuel reduction project intended to reduce the risk of high-severity wildfire, located on federal land, and covered by completed NEPA documents. NEPA compliance is under the "Lake Forest Fuels Project" Decision Memo prepared by Shasta-Trinity National Forest and the "Reading-Indian Creek Oak Woodland Restoration" Environmental Assessment prepared by the Bureau of Land Management Redding Field Office.
County Clerk


Notice of Exemption

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