Joint Forces Training Base Los Alamitos Permit Application Numbers (A/Ns) 632409, 632410, 632420, 632421, and 632422


SCH Number
Public Agency
South Coast Air Quality Management District
Document Title
Joint Forces Training Base Los Alamitos Permit Application Numbers (A/Ns) 632409, 632410, 632420, 632421, and 632422
Document Type
NOE - Notice of Exemption
Document Description
The applicant, BCE Los Alamitos, LLC., has applied for permits (A/Ns 632409, 632410, 632420, 632421, and 632422) to install and operate five identical U.S. EPA-certified Tier IV Final diesel-fired emergency standby internal combustion engines (ICEs) at the Joint Force Training Base – Los Alamitos, which is located at 11206 Lexington Drive, Los Alamitos, California 90720. The ICE manufacturer is AB Volvo Penta, Model No. TWD1673GE. The maximum rating of each ICE is 919 brake horsepower. The normal operating schedule for the five emergency standby ICEs are limited to maintenance and testing activities for up 50 hours per year per engine. This equates to about one hour of operation per week per ICE. In the event of an emergency, each engine may operate up to 200 hours per year, which includes the 50 hours allotted for maintenance and testing activities.

Contact Information

Alina Mullins
Agency Name
South Coast Air Quality Management District
Job Title
Air Quality Specialist
Contact Types
Lead/Public Agency

Ben Ellenberger
Agency Name
Ashworth Leininger Group
Job Title
Senior Environmental Engineer
Contact Types
Parties Undertaking Project


Los Alamitos
Southern California
Cross Streets
Lexington Drive and Farquhar Ave
Other Location Info
11206 Lexington Dr., Los Alamitos, CA 90720

Notice of Exemption

Exempt Status
Type, Section or Code
CEQA Guidelines Section 15061(b)(3) – Common Sense Exemption
Reasons for Exemption
The South Coast AQMD has reviewed the Proposed Project pursuant to 1) CEQA Guidelines Section 15002(k) – General Concepts, the three-step process for deciding which document to prepare for a project subject to CEQA; and 2) CEQA Guidelines Section 15061 – Review for Exemption, procedures for determining if a project is exempt from CEQA. Since it can be seen with certainty that the Proposed Project has no potential to have a significant adverse effect on the environment, the South Coast AQMD has determined that the Proposed Project is exempt from CEQA pursuant to CEQA Guidelines Sections 15061(b)(3) – Common Sense Exemption.
County Clerk


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