Gage Canal Multipurpose Recreational Trail
SCH Number
Public Agency
City of Riverside
Document Title
Gage Canal Multipurpose Recreational Trail
Document Type
NOE - Notice of Exemption
Document Description
This project would convert a two-mile segment of the Gage Canal right-of-way into a Class I multi-use paved asphalt bicycle trail with a parallel pedestrian decomposed granite trail. The trail would be sited along and adjacent to existing roadways and trails adjacent to the Gage Canal within an existing city-managed irrigation water conveyance facility. The trail would be 20 feet wide, split equally between the paved asphalt and decomposed granite trails and would include a 15-foot landscaping buffer on either side of the trails (30 feet of landscaping total). Plantings would total approximately 700 trees and 300 plants. Additional infrastructure would include approximately 15 benches, five drinking fountains, five exercise stations, eight entry gates, five interpretive signs, two funding acknowledgment signs, and several trash and recycling bins. There would also be solar-powered lighting and a weather-smart bubbler irrigation system. The trail would traverse multiple land-use types, including industrial, commercial, open space, residential, and public facilities.
The entire project collectively spans roughly two of the twenty miles of the Gage Canal and is within the northeastern portion of the City of Riverside. The project extends from Palmyrita Avenue at the northern-most extent of the trail, to Blaine Street at the southern-most extent, where it terminates at the Riverside Sports Complex in the City of Riverside, California. The project would be adjacent to the Riverside Hunter Park-University of California Metrolink station, providing public transportation accessibility. It would provide access for local residents to the Box Springs Reserve. Regionally, the project is located approximately four miles to the east of Interstate 215/CA 60 freeway at an approximate elevation of 1,000 feet above mean sea level.
Contact Information
Jordan Maus
Agency Name
City of Riverside
Contact Types
Lead/Public Agency / Project Applicant / Parties Undertaking Project
Cross Streets
Palmyrita Avenue to Blaine Street along the Gage Canal right-of-way
Total Acres
Parcel #
257020005; 257030005; 257060015; 249130016; 249140007; 250100017; 250112010; 250125011;250130008
Riverside Unified School District
Notice of Exemption
Exempt Status
Statutory Exemption
Type, Section or Code
Reasons for Exemption
SB 288 adds CEQA statutory exemptions under PRC §21080.25, for the following project types: pedestrian and bicycle facilities, transit prioritization, conversion of roadways to bus-only lanes, expansion of bus or light rail service, charging stations for zero-emission transit buses, or any project that reduces minimum parking requirements. Bicycle facilities include any bicycle parking, sharing facilities, bikeways, and other bicycle infrastructure. This project would involve the construction of a two-mile bikeway and pedestrian trail and is therefore exempt from CEQA requirements in accordance with §21080.25.
County Clerk
Notice of Exemption
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