Stonebridge Preserve: Establishment of Burke’s Goldfields Project


SCH Number
Public Agency
California Department of Fish and Wildlife, Habitat Conservation Planning (CDFW)
Document Title
Stonebridge Preserve: Establishment of Burke’s Goldfields Project
Document Type
NOE - Notice of Exemption
Document Description
The California Department of Fish and Wildlife (CDFW) is issuing a permit to David Jacobson [Permit No. 2081(a)-21-010-RP] pursuant to Fish and Game Code section 2081(a) for a project to create occupied habitat for Burke’s goldfields as compensatory mitigation required by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) for impacts of the proposed Stonebridge residential subdivision on suitable Burke’s goldfields habitat as protected under the Federal Endangered Species Act. The USFWS performance criterion is a density of 4,000 plants per 0.1 acre after five years. The Project includes the collection of Burke’s goldfields seeds from donor sites (ALMS and SP) by either a vacuum method that consists of raking and collecting soil by vacuum after seeds have dropped, or a seed-bulking method where flowering heads containing seeds are hand-collected and planted in a greenhouse to increase the total seed number. With either method, Burke’s goldfields seeds are mixed with soil and that mixture is used to inoculate created, enhanced, or restored pools at SP. All soil at SP that is likely to contain Burke’s goldfields seed has been mapped and will be salvaged in summer 2022. Salvaged soil will be stored onsite until late summer or early fall 2022, when it will be used to inoculate the recipient pools at SP. The donor and recipient sites will be monitored annually for five years. Permittee will supply CDFW with a long-term management plan for activities beyond five years.

Contact Information

Raffica La Rosa
Agency Name
California Department of Fish and Wildlife
Job Title
Senior Environmental Scientist
Contact Types
Lead/Public Agency

David Jacobson
Agency Name
David Jacobson, Woodside Holdings
Job Title
Contact Types
Project Applicant


Santa Rosa
San Francisco Bay Area
Other Location Info
The Stonebridge Preserve: Establishment of Burke’s Goldfields Project (Project) will take place at two populations of Burke’s goldfields in Sonoma County (California Natural Diversity Database Element Occurrences 19 and 25). Project field activities will occur at Stonebridge Preserve (SP), a 14-acre site located adjacent to and east of the proposed Stonebridge residential subdivision at 2220 Fulton Road in Santa Rosa, CA (38.475372, -122.764517) and Alton Lane Mitigation Site (ALMS), a 41-acre site in Santa Rosa, CA (38.472636, -122.776787) (see Figures in the attached Research Proposal, received March 29, 2021, [Attachment 1]). Project greenhouse activities will occur at the Laguna de Santa Rosa Foundation plant nursery (Nursery) at 900 Sanford Road, Santa Rosa, CA 95401 (38.426207, -122.820750).

Notice of Exemption

Exempt Status
Categorical Exemption
Type, Section or Code
Sections 15306 and 15307, Classes 6 and 7
Reasons for Exemption
The Project will consist of population monitoring and basic data collection, and will facilitate the enhancement and recovery of the California endangered Burke’s goldfields by attempting to establish additional self-sustaining populations of the species within its historic range. The permit issued by the California Department of Fish and Wildlife for the Project includes measures to ensure that existing populations of Burke’s goldfields are not impacted, and that re-introduced populations are adequately protected.


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