Proposed Amended Rule 1134 – Emissions of Oxides of Nitrogen from Stationary Gas Turbines
SCH Number
Public Agency
South Coast Air Quality Management District
Document Title
Proposed Amended Rule 1134 – Emissions of Oxides of Nitrogen from Stationary Gas Turbines
Document Type
NOE - Notice of Exemption
Document Description
The following amendments to Rule 1134 are proposed that would apply to facilities currently or formerly participating in the NOx RECLAIM program pursuant to South Coast AQMD Regulation XX, as well as non-RECLAIM facilities: 1) remove startup, shutdown, and tuning provisions tuning to be consistent with policy changes that have been implemented after 2019; 2) remove ammonia emission limits for gas turbines; 3) allow the use of liquid fuel for health care facilities during an emergency, natural gas curtailment, and readiness testing to ensure consistency with state law; 4) clarify that recuperative gas turbines are included in the equipment category listed as “other”; 5) update the CEMS for non-RECLAIM and former RECLAIM facilities; 6) clarify source testing frequency requirements for gas turbines; 7) establish an interim NOx emission limit for compressor gas turbines at 68 parts per million, by volume (ppmv) corrected at 15 percent oxygen on a dry basis to ensure there is no backsliding of emissions as required under the federal Clean Air Act Section 110(l) for the period when facilities transition of the NOx RECLAIM program until the unit is in compliance with Rule 1134; 8) align monitoring, recordkeeping, and reporting provisions with recently adopted and amended Rule 218-series; and 9) remove all references to Rule 2012 – Requirements for Monitoring, Reporting, and Recordkeeping for NOx Emissions. Other minor amendments are proposed which include additional definitions of terms, and revisions to improve rule implementation and clarify existing requirements.
Contact Information
Barbara Radlein
Agency Name
South Coast AQMD
Job Title
Contact Types
Lead/Public Agency
Los Angeles, Orange, Riverside, San Bernardino
Other Location Info
The proposed project is located within the South Coast Air Quality Management District’s (South Coast AQMD) jurisdiction, which includes the four-county South Coast Air Basin (all of Orange County and the non-desert portions of Los Angeles, Riverside, and San Bernardino counties), and the Riverside County portion of the Salton Sea Air Basin and the non-Palo Verde, Riverside County portion of the Mojave Desert Air Basin.
Notice of Exemption
Exempt Status
Type, Section or Code
CEQA Guidelines Section 15061(b)(3) – Common Sense Exemption
Reasons for Exemption
South Coast AQMD, as Lead Agency, has reviewed the proposed project pursuant to: 1) CEQA Guidelines Section 15002(k) – General Concepts, the three-step process for deciding which document to prepare for a project subject to CEQA; and 2) CEQA Guidelines Section 15061 – Review for Exemption, procedures for determining if a project is exempt from CEQA. Since no physical modifications are expected to occur as a result of the proposed project, it can be seen with certainty that implementing the proposed project would not cause a significant adverse effect on the environment. Therefore, the proposed project is exempt from CEQA pursuant to CEQA Guidelines Section 15061(b)(3) – Common Sense Exemption.
County Clerks
Los Angeles, Orange, Riverside, San Bernardino
Notice of Exemption
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