Davenport Water Tank Rehabilitation Project
SCH Number
Public Agency
Santa Cruz County Sanitation District
Document Title
Davenport Water Tank Rehabilitation Project
Document Type
NOE - Notice of Exemption
Document Description
Notice of Exemption for the Davenport Water Tank Rehabilitation Project.
The project site is located within the existing Davenport Water Treatment Plant which
occurs in the northeast portion of a large 111 acre parcel with a site address of 700 HWY 1 in Davenport.
The proposed project involves improvements to the existing Davenport Water Treatment Plant including installation of approximately 300 linear feet of new subsurface water lines between existing facilities, installation of new instrumentation within the existing control panels at the plant, and interior and exterior coating of an existing water storage tank to repair corrosion and deterioration.
The two new water lines will be installed parallel to existing water lines and will connect the existing water storage tank to the treatment plant building where one line will tie into the existing raw water transmission line and the other will connect to the water treatment facility. All work will occur within previously developed areas of
the plant. Pipe installation will require excavation of an approximately 2 ft wide and 3 ft deep trench which will be filled in after the pipe is installed. As part of the project, temporary high visibility fencing and/or flagging will be installed to indicate the limits of work and no work-related activity including equipment staging, vehicular access,
grading and/or vegetation removal will occur outside the designated limits of work.
The project will be completed during the dry season and no construction activities will take place at night or during rain events. At the end of each workday all excavations will be secured with a cover and no exposed trenches or open pits will be left
Contact Information
Ashleigh Trujillio
Agency Name
Santa Cruz County Sanitation District
Job Title
Sanitation Engineer
Contact Types
Lead/Public Agency
Terra Prestwich
Agency Name
Santa Cruz County Sanitation District
Job Title
Sr. Board Clerk
Contact Types
Lead/Public Agency
Davenport, Unincorporated
Santa Cruz
Cross Streets
700 Highway 1
Total Acres
Parcel #
State Highways
Highway 1
SCCRTC Railway
Pacific Elementary School
Pacific Ocean
Other Location Info
The project site is located within the existing Davenport Water Treatment Plant which
occurs in the northeast portion of a large 111 acre parcel with a site address of 700 HWY 1 in Davenport.
Notice of Exemption
Exempt Status
Categorical Exemption
Type, Section or Code
15301(b)(d) Class 1. Existing Facilities
Reasons for Exemption
The project involves repair, maintenance, and minor alteration of an existing public water treatment facility and
involves no expansion of the existing use or capacity. None of the conditions listed in §15300.2 apply.
County Clerk
Santa Cruz
Notice of Exemption
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