Bridge Preventive Maintenance Program - 5946(168) Group 1 Project
SCH Number
Public Agency
Tulare County
Document Title
Bridge Preventive Maintenance Program - 5946(168) Group 1 Project
Document Type
NOE - Notice of Exemption
Document Description
The Tulare County Resource Management Agency proposes to conduct bridge deck work at 12 bridges in Tulare County; all work will be confined to the existing bridge deck. The proposed work would include treating bridge decks with methacrylate, replacing joint seals, patching spalls, and overlaying bridge decks with polyester concrete. There would be no off-pavement work and no new right-of-way would be required. The Bridge Preventive Maintenance Program (BPMP) Group 1 Project includes the following bridges: South Dl 12 over Branch Tule River(46C0003) ; Elk Bayou(46C0063) over Road 124; St Johns River(46C0070) over Avenue 328 (CRJ34); North Fork Tule River(46C0169) over SM 220; Traver Ditch(46C0218) over Avenue 408; Tule River(46C0268) over Road 80; White River(46C0285) over Avenue 32; North Branch Tule River (46C0304) over Avenue 184; Traver Ditch(46C0351) over Avenue 392; Deep Creek(46C0386) over Road 148; Cameron Creek(46C0391) over Road 148; UPRR( 46C0451) Betty Drive/ A venue 312.
Construction would occur over an approximately 2-month timeframe. All affected roadways would remain open; however. intermittent traffic delays (occurring over 1-2 days per site) are required via temporary traffic control (flagging). Thus, this project will provide a public benefit by improving safety and security of the public by improving the transportation infrastructure for the general population in the region.
Contact Information
Hector Guerra
Agency Name
Tulare County Resource Management Agency
Job Title
Chief Environmental Planner
Contact Types
Lead/Public Agency
Various locations throughout Tulare County
Other Location Info
Various locations throughout Tulare County
Notice of Exemption
Exempt Status
Categorical Exemption
Type, Section or Code
CEQA Guidelines Section 15301 Class 1 Existing Facilities (c) and Section 15300.4 Application by Public Agencies
Reasons for Exemption
This action is consistent with Class 1 Section 15301, Existing Facilities (c), as activities associated with the project would, as noted earlier, be limited to treating bridge decks with methacrylate, replacing joint seals, patching spalls, and overlaying bridge decks with polyester concrete. Also, consistent with Section 15300.4, Application by Public Agencies, the County of Tulare Board of Supervisors adopted an exemption for the construction of the aforementioned facilities per the Tulare County Guidelines for the Implementation of California Environmental Quality Act of 1970, Number 300 Section 111. CATEGORICAL EXEMPTIONS Class 1: Existing Facilities (c)(2) and (c)(4). As such, Sections 15302 and 15300.4 are applicable and appropriate for this project.
County Clerk
Notice of Exemption
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