Avenue 174 Friant-Kern Canal Bridge Replacement (Bridge 46C-0263)


SCH Number
Public Agency
Tulare County
Document Title
Avenue 174 Friant-Kern Canal Bridge Replacement (Bridge 46C-0263)
Document Type
NOE - Notice of Exemption
Document Description
The County ofTulare (County) plans to replace Bridge 46C-0263 over the Friant-Kern Canal on Avenue 174. The project will include the replacement of the deficient two-lane concrete bridge and the widening and improvement of existing roadway approaches on either side of the bridge. The bridge would provide a 12-foot lane and 4-foot shoulder in each direction, would incorporate an open style bridge railing (similar to Caltrans Standard Plan B 11-60 or B 11-61), and would be approximately 108 feet long. In addition, approach work would extend approximately 600 feet to the east and west of the bridge and roadway approaches would be widened from the existing 20 feet to 32 feet to accommodate two 12-foot lanes and two 4-foot shoulders. Some modifications would be required at private property access points and driveways to tie into the roadway. Utility poles along the approach roadways (power and communication lines). would be relocated as required and would be conducted in coordination with the service providers. The beneficiaries of the Project would be any persons using vehicular travel (personal, work­-related, agricultural-related, commerce, etc.) over the bridge to travel across the Friant-Kern Canal at Avenue 174 and to fulfill water delivery requirements of Central Valley Project contracts.

Contact Information

Hector Guerra
Agency Name
Tulare County Resource Management Agency
Job Title
Chief Environmental Planner
Contact Types
Lead/Public Agency

Jason Vivian
Agency Name
Tulare County Public Works
Job Title
Project Manager
Contact Types
Project Applicant


Cross Streets
Avenue 174/ Linda Vista Avenue
9 & 16
Other Location Info
1 mile north of City of Porterville
Other Information
Bridge 46C-0263 over Friant-Kern Canal

Notice of Exemption

Exempt Status
Categorical Exemption
Type, Section or Code
CEQA Guidelines Class 2 Section 15302 Replacement or Reconstruction
Reasons for Exemption
This action Avenue 174 bridge replacement project is consistent with a Final Environmental Impact Statement/Environmental Impact Report for the Friant-Kem Canal Middle Reach Capacity Correction Project, (EIS/EIR 18-057/State Clearinghouse No. 2019120007). The EIS/EIR was approved/certified by the Friant Water Authority (as lead agency) on October 22, 2020, and a CEQA Notice of Determination (NOD) was filed with the Tulare County Clerk's office on October 23, 2020. The EIS/EIR addressed canal enlargement and realignment (CER) of the Friant-Kern Canal and the construction-related activities, including bridge replacement, raising embankments, acquisition of easements, etc., of the Project. This action is consistent with Class 2 Section 15302, Replacement or Reconstruction (c), as activities associated with the project will include replacement of existing facilities with negligible or no expansion of capacity. Also, consistent with Section 15300.4, Application by Public Agencies, the County of Tulare Board of Supervisors adopted an exemption for the construction of the aforementioned facilities per the Tulare County Guidelines for the Implementation of California Environmental Quality Act of 1970, Number 300 Section 11 I. CATEGORICAL EXEMPTIONS Class 2: Replacement or Reconstruction. Therefore, the use of Title 14, Cal. Code Regulations Section 15302, Class 2, pertaining to Replacement or Reconstruction (c) is applicable and appropriate.
County Clerk


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