Water System Backup Facility Charge (WSBFC), Water Demand Offset Fee, Domestic Water Design Criteria, and the Sanitation Capacity Charge, and approve amendments


SCH Number
Public Agency
Coachella Valley Water District (CVWD)
Document Title
Water System Backup Facility Charge (WSBFC), Water Demand Offset Fee, Domestic Water Design Criteria, and the Sanitation Capacity Charge, and approve amendments
Document Type
NOE - Notice of Exemption
Document Description
CVWD has adopted the changes to the Water System Backup Facility Charge (WSBFC), Water Demand Offset Fee, Domestic Water Design Criteria, and the Sanitation Capacity Charge (SCC) and approve Ordinance No. 1399.14 amending Parts 1, 4, 5, and Appendix A-14 of the "Regulations Governing Domestic Water Service" and Approve Ordinance 1427.3, amending Table A-2 of the "Regulations Governing Sanitation Service". The new charges to be effective January 1, 2022 are: 1. Adopt the proposed changes to the WSBFC components and charge from the current fee of $3,707 to $3,757 per Equivalent Dwelling Unit (EDU) as identified in the November 2021 WSBFC Study. These changes will be adopted by Ordinance 1399.14, by updating the "Regulations Governing Domestic Water Service" Parts 1, 4, 5, and Appendix A-14; 2. Adopt the proposed changes to replace the SWSC with the Water Demand Offset Fee in the amount of $1,918 per acre-foot per year of potable water use as identified in the November 2021 Water Demand Offset Fee Study. These changes will also be adopted by Ordinance 1399.14, by updating the "Regulations Governing Domestic Water Service" Parts 1, 4, 5, and Appendix A-14; 3. Adopt the proposed changes to CVWD's Domestic Water Design Criteria, including the following: a. Reduce the Peak Daily Demand (PDD) from 0.90 gallons per minute/unit gpm/unit) to 0.81 gpm/unit based on CVWD' s recent study of domestic water use trends for new developments, and; b. Revise the Well Site Requirements from one well site being required per 90 acres or major portion thereof, to one well site being required per 140 acres or major portion thereof, major portion being 70 or more acres. These changes will also be adopted by Ordinance 1399.14, by updating the "Regulations Governing Domestic Water Service" Part 5; 4. Adopt the proposed changes to the SCC components and charge from the current fee of $4,851 to $4,533 per EDU as identified in the November 2021 SCC Study. These changes will be adopted by updating Ordinance No. 1427.3, amending Table A-2 of the "Regulations Governing Sanitation Service".

Contact Information

Coachella Valley Water District
Agency Name
William Patterson
Job Title
Environmental Supervisor
Contact Types
Lead/Public Agency


Imperial, Riverside, San Diego
Other Location Info
Coachella Valley Water District Service area in Portions of Riverside, Imperial and San Diego Counties, California.

Notice of Exemption

Exempt Status
Statutory Exemption
Type, Section or Code
State CEQA Guidelines § 15273
Reasons for Exemption
The action qualifies for a Statutory Exemption per the State CEQA Guidelines §15273, and is not subject to further environmental review. Per the State CEQA Guidelines §15273, CEQA does not apply to the establishment, modification, structuring, restructuring, or approval of rates, tolls, fares, or other charges by public agencies which the public agency finds are for the purpose of: ( 1) Meeting operating expenses, including employee wage rates and fringe benefits, (2) Purchasing or leasing supplies, equipment, or materials, (3) Meeting financial reserve needs and requirements, ( 4) Obtaining funds for capital projects, necessary to maintain service within existing service areas, or (5) Obtaining funds necessary to maintain such intra-city transfers as are authorized by city charter.

Exempt Status
Type, Section or Code
State CEQA Guideline §15061(b)(3)
Reasons for Exemption
The project is also exempt from CEQA based on CEQA Guideline 15061(b)(3) because there is no possibility that their adoption would have a significant effect on the environment.
County Clerks
Imperial, Riverside, San Diego


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