Temporary emergency vehicle access (EVA) road for a proposed multifamily affordable housing project
SCH Number
Public Agency
City of Watsonville
Document Title
Temporary emergency vehicle access (EVA) road for a proposed multifamily affordable housing project
Document Type
NOE - Notice of Exemption
Document Description
Minor Design Review with Environmental Review (App No. PP23) to allow for the construction of a temporary 20-foot wide emergency vehicle access (EVA) road for a proposed multifamily affordable housing project (Pippin Phase 2). The proposed project consists of construction of a temporary EVA road, installation of landscaping, fencing, and two new lighting poles.
Contact Information
Justin Meek, AICP
Agency Name
City of Watsonville
Job Title
Principal Planner
Contact Types
Lead/Public Agency
Santa Cruz
Northern California
Cross Streets
Atkinson Lane and Freedom Boulevard
Parcel #
Notice of Exemption
Exempt Status
Categorical Exemption
Type, Section or Code
Class 32, Section 15332
Reasons for Exemption
The project (construction of a temporary 20-foot wide EVA road in the City of Watsonville's jurisdiction) qualifies for a Class 32 Categorical Exemption pursuant to Section 15332 of the State CEQA Guidelines. The project proposes to construct a temporary EVA road on a vacant parcel located in the City limits. Environmental impacts related to construction of the temporary EVA road were addressed in the EIR and Addendum to the EIR adopted in 2009 and 2014, respectively.
The proposed project is consistent with the General Plan land use designation of Residential Low Density and R-1 Zoning District regulations. The project site can be adequately services by existing utilities and is located on a site that is less than five acres in size. Approval of the temporary EVA road would not result in significant impacts to air quality, noise, traffic or water quality. Additionally, the location of the temporary EVA road has no value as habitat for threatened or endangered species.
County Clerk
Santa Cruz
Notice of Exemption
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