Blue Lake Truck Route Complete Streets Project - RPL 5190(010)


SCH Number
Public Agency
City of Blue Lake
Document Title
Blue Lake Truck Route Complete Streets Project - RPL 5190(010)
Document Type
NOE - Notice of Exemption
Document Description
A Notice of Exemption for a project that will improve the existing truck route by creating a multi-modal transportation corridor. The project will address failing roadway surfaces and drainage, excessive vehicle speeds and unsafe pedestrian crossings on Blue Lake’s truck route. The project is located in the city of Blue Lake, CA, and will follow Blue Lake’s designated truck route from Greenwood Avenue at Blue Lake Boulevard to Railroad Avenue to Taylor Way and ending at the Mad River Bridge on Hatchery Road. No right of way will be acquired. The project will repair damaged pavement and drainage, including digouts, drainage system updates, sidewalks, traffic calming features, bike lanes, curbs, ramps paving and striping.

Contact Information

Garry Rees
Agency Name
City of Blue Lake
Contact Types
Lead/Public Agency


Blue Lake
Cross Streets
Blue Lake Blvd, Greenwood Rd, Railroad Ave, South Railroad Ave, Hatchery Rd
Other Location Info
Blue Lake Truck Route (public right-of-way) from Blue Lake Blvd to Mad River Bridge.

Notice of Exemption

Exempt Status
Categorical Exemption
Type, Section or Code
15301 and 15303
Reasons for Exemption
15301: The project involves the repair and minor alteration of the City's truck route. 15303: The project proposes a limited number of new, small improvements within the existing right-of-way for the City's truck route. The repairs and improvements are being done to improve safety and access for alternative modes of transportation and improve damaged drainage infrastructure.
County Clerk


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