Old Town Loft CUP


SCH Number
Public Agency
City of Temecula
Document Title
Old Town Loft CUP
Document Type
NOE - Notice of Exemption
Document Description
Notice of Exemption for a Conditional Use Permit for a banquet and event facility that sells beer, wine, and distilled spirits with a Type 47 License (On-Sale General) and offers live entertainment located at 28551 Rancho California Road

Contact Information

Scott Cooper
Agency Name
City of Temecula
Contact Types
Lead/Public Agency


Teme, Temecula
Cross Streets
Rancho California Road and Vincent Moraga

Notice of Exemption

Exempt Status
Categorical Exemption
Type, Section or Code
Reasons for Exemption
The Conditional Use Permit for a banquet and event facility, a California Alcoholic Beverage Control Type 47 License and live entertainment is located within a vacant commercial building in which no expansion of the building is proposed. The building was previously occupied by a restaurant that served alcohol. The banquet and event facility is a negligible expansion of the former use. Banquets and event facilities are a conditionally permitted use at the project site. Type 47 Licenses and live entertainment are also permitted uses upon the approval of a Conditional Use Permit. In addition, the live entertainment will only occur indoors and during limited hours. Finally, there will not be any physical changes to the structure or site as part of this application. As such, this project represents no expansion of the structure, site, or allowable uses.
County Clerk


Notice of Exemption

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