Las Virgenes Trail Bridge Replacement


SCH Number
Public Agency
California Department of Parks and Recreation
Document Title
Las Virgenes Trail Bridge Replacement
Document Type
NOE - Notice of Exemption
Document Description
The project will replace in kind a 24’L by 5’W milled redwood stringer bridge that was destroyed during the Woolsey fire in November of 2018. The project will improve a seasonal stream crossing on the multi-use Las Virgenes Trail and restore the eroded path created through the stream crossing to a more natural state. The bridge will reestablish access from De Anza Park into the trail network in the Northern section of Malibu Creek State Park and Liberty Canyon Natural Preserve. The project will also eliminate the need for users to climb into and out of the steep stream crossing and reestablish a safe trail route.

Contact Information

Cesar Moreno
Agency Name
California State Parks, Angeles District
Contact Types
Lead/Public Agency


Los Angeles
Southern California
Cross Streets
Lost Hills Rd. and Las Virgenes Rd.

Notice of Exemption

Exempt Status
Categorical Exemption
Type, Section or Code
Class1 Section 15301, Class 2 Section 15302, and Class 4 Section 1504
Reasons for Exemption
No potential for significant impacts to the environment is anticipated in compliance with CEQA §15300.2. If the project is implemented as indicated within the CDPR Project Evaluation Form including conditions provided by CDPR staff, then it is exempt under CEQA §15301 – Existing Facilities, §15302 – Replacement or Reconstruction, §15304 – Minor Alteration to Land. The action falls under the Departmental List of Exempt activities according to CEQA §15300.4 as: • Trail repairs (Class 1, Section 15301) • Replacement or reconstruction of small, non-historic structures within the existing footprint and with no change in purpose, capacity or use. (Class 2, Section 15302) • Minor alterations in the condition of land that do not include healthy, mature or scenic trees. (Class 4, Section 15304)


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