CCPBA Santa Lucia Preserve Prescribed Burns 2021


SCH Number
Public Agency
Resource Conservation District, Monterey County
Document Title
CCPBA Santa Lucia Preserve Prescribed Burns 2021
Document Type
NOE - Notice of Exemption
Document Description
NOE for prescribed burns on the Santa Lucia Preserve in Monterey County. The Central Coast Prescribed Burn Association will carry out 2 training burns on the Santa Lucia Preserve property, covering approximately 116 acres. The prescribed burns will take place during suitable weather conditions in accordance with Burn Plan under the supervision of certified burn boss, Phillip Dye. Site 1 "Lot 5 and Animus 1 Units"' is 109 acres of grassland, coastal scrub, and oak woodland on the west side of Rancho San Carlos Road. Site 2 "Kelleher Unit" is 7 acres of brush encroached grasslands on the north side of Rancho San Carlos Road.

Contact Information

Jamison Tuitele-Lewis
Agency Name
Resource Conservation District, Monterey County
Contact Types
Lead/Public Agency


Northern California, Unincorporated
Cross Streets
Rancho San Carlos Road
Total Acres
116 acres
R 1E
Other Location Info
El Potrero de San Carlos Rancho (MDBM)

Notice of Exemption

Exempt Status
Categorical Exemption
Type, Section or Code
Class 4: Minor Alterations To Land, Section (i)
Reasons for Exemption
The project will result in only minor modifications to the landscape within the project area. The project qualifies as categorically exempt under Exemption Class 4 of the Guidelines for the Implementation of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA). Field review by the Registered Professional Forester confirmed that no significant environmental impact would occur to aesthetics, agriculture and forestland or timberland, air quality, biological resources, cultural resources, geology and soils, greenhouse gas emissions, hazards and hazardous materials, hydrology and water quality, land use planning, mineral resources, noise, population and housing, public services, recreation, transportation or traffic, or to utilities and service systems. No exceptions apply that would preclude the use of a notice of exemption for this project.
County Clerk


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