Southern California Association of Governments (SCAG) 2021 Sustainable Communities Program Active Transportation and Safety Project
SCH Number
Public Agency
Southern California Association of Governments
Document Title
Southern California Association of Governments (SCAG) 2021 Sustainable Communities Program Active Transportation and Safety Project
Document Type
NOE - Notice of Exemption
Document Description
SCAG, in partnership with local agencies, will be implementing 11 projects across the region within three counties:
• In the County of Los Angeles with the City of Los Angeles Department of Transportation, the City of Duarte, the City of Montebello, the City of Pomona, the City of Lynwood, the County of Los Angeles Department of Public Health, and the City of Santa Monica
• In the County of Riverside with the Riverside County Department of Public Health and the City of Banning
• In the County of Orange with the Orange County Transportation Authority and the City of Santa Ana
The 11 projects fall into four project categories. The project categories included:
• Education and Encouragement Programs – These include Safe Routes to School education programs.
• Community or Area-wide Plans – Plans will focus on active transportation or transportation safety.
• Quick Build Projects – These are interim capital improvement projects that will be implemented in partnership with the local agency.
• Network Visioning and Implementation – This category involves the development of a community plan followed by a quick build project that implements part of the plan on an interim basis.
Contact Information
Karen Calderon
Agency Name
Southern California Association of Governments
Contact Types
Lead/Public Agency
Banning, Coachella, Duarte, Los Angeles, Lynwood, Montebello, Pomona, Santa Ana, Santa Monica
Los Angeles, Orange, Riverside
Other Location Info
Riverside County in the City of Banning and Coachella (Riverside County Public Health). Los Angeles County in the Cities Santa Monica, Los Angeles, Lynwood, Duarte, Pomona, Montebello, and unincorporated Los Angeles County. Orange County in the City of Santa Ana and Orange County (OCTA).
Notice of Exemption
Exempt Status
Categorical Exemption
Type, Section or Code
15262; 15301(c); 15304 (e); 15306; 15322
Reasons for Exemption
SCAG staff has conducted an environmental assessment of the Project pursuant to Sections 21080(b), 21083, and 21804 of the Public Resources Code and CEQA Guidelines Sections 15002(k) (1), 15061, 15062, 15262, and 15300 to 15332. CEQA Guidelines include a list of 33 classes of projects which have been determined not to have a significant effect on the environment and which shall, therefore, be exempt from the provisions of CEQA. Based upon its assessment, SCAG staff has determined that the following exemptions apply to the Project:
• CEQA Guidelines §15262 – Feasibility and Planning Studies: The Project includes the preparation of active transportation and safety plans. A project involving possible future actions but does not have a legally binding effect on later activities does not require the preparation of an EIR or Negative Declaration.
• CEQA Guidelines §15301(c) – Existing Facilities: The Project would involve implementing interim active transportation capital improvement projects in Los Angeles County, that could foster the minor alteration of existing public or private structures, facilities, mechanical equipment, or topographical features, involving negligible or no expansion of use of existing highways, streets, sidewalks, gutters, bicycle and pedestrian trails and similar facilities beyond that existing at the time of the lead agency's determination, as set forth in the exemption under CEQA Guidelines §15301(c) - Existing Facilities;
• CEQA Guidelines § 15304 (e) - Minor Alterations to Land: The Project may involve interim capital improvement projects within the project cities that would minimally alter existing public rights of way, as set forth in the exemption under CEQA Guidelines § 15304 (e) - Minor Alterations to Land.
• CEQA Guidelines §15306- Information Collection: The Project includes basic data collection, research, experimental management and resource evaluation activities which will not result in a serious or major disturbance to an environmental resource. The project is strictly for information gathering purposes for possible future action which the agency has not yet approved, adopted or funded, as set forth in the exemption under CEQA Guidelines §15306- Information Collection.
• CEQA Guidelines §15322 – Educational or Training Programs Involving No Physical Changes: The Project would consist of educational programs in the community of Coachella in Riverside County, involving no physical changes in the area affected, which would fall under the exemption set forth in CEQA Guidelines §15322 – Educational or Training Programs Involving No Physical Changes.
County Clerks
Los Angeles, Orange, Riverside
Notice of Exemption
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