Highgrove Town Center/SMF210001/PPT210011/CEQ210014
SCH Number
Public Agency
Riverside County
Document Title
Highgrove Town Center/SMF210001/PPT210011/CEQ210014
Document Type
NOE - Notice of Exemption
Document Description
Special multiple family request to create 846 attached residential dwelling units within several detached buildings across 65.20 acres gross. The project also includes trails, open space, public and private parks, landscaping, off-site parking, and public and private streets. The project will require subsequent approvals from the County of Riverside, including a Tentative Tract Map.
Contact Information
Steven Jones
Agency Name
Riverside County
Contact Types
Lead/Public Agency
Michael Canfield
Agency Name
Foremost Center Street LLC
Contact Types
Project Applicant
Cross Streets
Center Street / Spring Street near Garfield Avenue
Total Acres
Parcel #
255-060-014, 255-060-022, 255-060-028, 255-060- 030, 255-110-003, 255-110-004, 255-110-005, 255
State Highways
Interstate 215
Union Pacific Railroad, BNSF RR
March Air Reserve Base
Highgrove Elementary School
Santa Ana River, Gage Canal
San Bern
Notice of Exemption
Exempt Status
Type, Section or Code
Sec. 21080(b)(1); 15268
Reasons for Exemption
The project is not a discretionary project subject to CEQA because the Project is permitted “by right.” (Pub. Resources Code, § 21080, subd. (b)(1) [CEQA does not apply to ministerial projects]; State CEQA Guidelines, §§ 15060, subd. (c)(1)], 15060(c)(1), and 15352.) Here, the approval of the project concerns ministerial activity not subject to CEQA because the County’s Housing Element provides that housing projects, like the project here, on sites with a Highest Density Residential or Mixed-Use Area (MUA) land use designation allow “owner-occupied and rental multifamily developments” as a “use by right.” Notably, the project is located within the Mixed Use (MU) Zone of the unincorporated area of the Riverside County. The intent of the MU Zone is to implement MUA land use designation of the Riverside County General Plan, which assists the County in accommodating its share of the regional housing needs assessment (RHNA) allocation pursuant to the Riverside County Housing Element. Multiple family dwellings that only include a residential use are permitted by right within the MU Zone . Moreover, the project is additionally not subject to CEQA under Government Code section 65583.2, subdivision (i), which provides that the local government’s review of owner-occupied or multifamily residential use may not require a conditional use permit, planned unit development permit, or other discretionary local government review or approval that would constitute a ‘project’ for purposes of [CEQA].” (Gov. Code, § 65583.2, subd. (i).)
Exempt Status
Statutory Exemption
Type, Section or Code
Sec. 65583.2, subd (i)
Reasons for Exemption
The project is not a discretionary project subject to CEQA because the Project is permitted “by right.” (Pub. Resources Code, § 21080, subd. (b)(1) [CEQA does not apply to ministerial projects]; State CEQA Guidelines, §§ 15060, subd. (c)(1)], 15060(c)(1), and 15352.) Here, the approval of the project concerns ministerial activity not subject to CEQA because the County’s Housing Element provides that housing projects, like the project here, on sites with a Highest Density Residential or Mixed-Use Area (MUA) land use designation allow “owner-occupied and rental multifamily developments” as a “use by right.” Notably, the project is located within the Mixed Use (MU) Zone of the unincorporated area of the Riverside County. The intent of the MU Zone is to implement MUA land use designation of the Riverside County General Plan, which assists the County in accommodating its share of the regional housing needs assessment (RHNA) allocation pursuant to the Riverside County Housing Element. Multiple family dwellings that only include a residential use are permitted by right within the MU Zone . Moreover, the project is additionally not subject to CEQA under Government Code section 65583.2, subdivision (i), which provides that the local government’s review of owner-occupied or multifamily residential use may not require a conditional use permit, planned unit development permit, or other discretionary local government review or approval that would constitute a ‘project’ for purposes of [CEQA].” (Gov. Code, § 65583.2, subd. (i).)
County Clerk
Notice of Exemption
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