Fort Bragg Temporary Desalination Plant


SCH Number
Public Agency
City of Fort Bragg
Document Title
Fort Bragg Temporary Desalination Plant
Document Type
NOE - Notice of Exemption
Document Description
The City is proposing the installation and operation of a temporary desalination (reverse osmosis) treatment system for the purpose of removing salinity from the Noya River water source during high tide periods when river flows are low. The raw water from the Noya River will be pumped to the treatment system, located at the water treatment plant, via existing infrastructure. After treatment of the saline water, the treated water will be discharged into the raw water ponds at the water plant. The surface water treatment plant will process the liquid prior to discharge to the distribution system. The brine will be discharged to a 4" lateral and commingled with the City's collection system discharge.

Contact Information

Chantell O'Neal
Agency Name
City of Fort Bragg
Contact Types
Lead/Public Agency


Fort Bragg
Cross Streets
Cedar Street, Monsen Way

Notice of Exemption

Exempt Status
Emergency Project
Type, Section or Code
Sec. 21080(b)(4); 15269(b)(c)
Reasons for Exemption
The proposed project is exempt under emergency project section 15269(c), specific actions necessary to prevent or mitigate an emergency. As of April 21, 2021 Governor Newsom declared a state of emergency in Mendocino County due to drought conditions. Drought conditions have caused current water flows in the Noyo river to be historically low. As flows continue to decrease, tides over five feet contaminate the water supply. In order to mitigate said emergency, a portable desalination system would be added to existing water treatment system. Emergency projects such as the one proposed are exempt from the requirements of CEQA.
County Clerk


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