University Community Plan Update and Local Coastal Program Update
8 Documents in Project
SCH Number
Lead Agency
City of San Diego
Document Title
University Community Plan Update and Local Coastal Program Update
Document Type
NOD - Notice of Determination
Document Description
Subsequent Action: City Council approval and adoption of the University CPU and associated discretionary actions, including 1) adopt a resolution determining that the University CPU is consistent with Environmental Impact Report (EIR) SCH No. 2021070359 pursuant to .Public Resources Code Section 21166 and CEQA Guidelines Section 15162; 2) adopt a resolution adopting the comprehensive update to the University Community Plan, rescinding the Nexus Technology Specific Plan, and amending the , community's Local Coastal Program and the General Plan; 3) adopt an ordinance amending the San Diego Municipal Code (SDMC) Chapter 13, Article 2, Division 14 and amending the City's certified Local Coastal Program; 4) adopt a resolution amending the Historical Resources Guidelines of the City's Land Development Manual to exempt specified areas within the University Community Planning area from potential historic resource review under SDMC section 143.0212; SJ adopt an ordinance dedicating public open space within the University Community Planning area pursuant to City Charter Section 55 and waiving Council Policy 700-17 requiring the Park and Recreation Board to review the City's inventory of park lands to determine which parks have met the requirements for dedication by ordinance; 6) adopt an ordinance rezoning land within the University Community Planning area consistent with the University CPU; and 7) adopt a resolution approving a public space In lieu fee that provides an alternative to providing required public space by allowing the purchase of a maximum of 25 percent of the required amenity points (at $480,835 per amenity point) or to purchase a reduction In the required size of the public space amenity (at a rate of $170 per square foot) up to a maximum of 25 percent of the total required public space amenity size, that includes an annual escalation, and will be deposited into the Citywide Park Development Impact Fee Fund. The University CPU is a comprehensive update to the existing University Community Plan and Local Coastal Program, The University CPU establishes an updated vision and objectives that align with the SANDAG Regional Plan and the City's General Plan policies, Including those proposed and amended by the Blueprint SD Initiative and the City of Villages Strategy, as well as recently adopted policies from the CAP, Parks Master Plan, and Climate Resilient SD. The University CPU will update the land use plan for the University CPU area to help achieve the desired vision and objectives for the community. The University CPU proposes land uses that enhance housing opportunities, walkable streets, mixed-use buildings, and retail, employment, and entertainment options, The University CPU identifies several guiding principles, plan goals and policies, and identifies procedures for plan Implementation In line with the Blueprint SD Initiative, The University CPU re-envisions major corridors as complete streets, providing a more comprehensive and equitable transportation system and -Improving road safety for all users, The University CPU Integrates traffic calming enhancements and bicycle boulevards to Improve safety and better support all modes of travel, Planned improvements Include new multi-use paths and trails, buffered bicycle lanes, bike
routes/bike boulevards, and cycle tracks/protected bicycle facilities. The University CPU proposes a series of bicycle and pedestrian Improvements to Governor Drive that are consistent with the goals established within the City's General Plan, CAP, Vision Zero, and Complete Streets Policy, and include buffered bike lanes, enhanced pedestrian treatments, and traffic calming measures, The University CPU envisions streets to promote a better-Integrated transit system by including flexible lanes, Sustainable Mobility for Adaptive and Reliable Transportation (SMARn Corridors, mobility hubs, and transit signal priority, consistent with the regional vision and building upon the recent Investment of the Trolley extension from Downtown to the University community. The proposed University CPU aligns with the City of Villages strategy outlined In the General Plan. This strategy focuses on concentrating growth In walkable, mixed-use activity centers that are well-connected by a regional transit system. The Climate Smart Village Areas Map In the General Plan, which was updated by Blueprint SD Initiative, Identifies areas with the greatest transit competitiveness. and where new housing opportunities can most effectively implement the City of Villages Strategy. This map serves as a guide for future community planning efforts, including the University CPU, to align with the CAP's mode share goals·, The Climate Smart Village Areas Map indicates that the University CPU has some of the highest propensities for density in the city given the existing and planned transit which support Increased density and reduced VMT. The University CPU proposes· urban village land use designations allowing up to 218 and 290 homes per acre In key areas adjacent to the UTC and Executive Drive Transit Stations In the urban core of the community, with tapering Intensities, medium density/Intensity next to the Nobel trolley station, UCSD Health trolley station, Campus Polnt,Judlcial Drive and Lebon Drive, focusing the proposed density around key transit infrastructure.
Contact Information
Elena Pascual
Agency Name
City of San Diego, Planning Department
Job Title
Senior Planner
Contact Types
Lead/Public Agency
San Diego
San Diego
Other Location Info
The University Community Plan Update (CPU) area is located approximately 13 miles north of Downtown San Diego and includes prominent regional parks and Institutions such as Torrey Pines State Natural Reserve, Torrey Pines Golf Course, and the University of California, San Diego (UCSD). Interstate (I-) 5 traverses the center of the community, State Route (SR-) 52 forms the southern border of the community, and 1-805 runs along the eastern edge within and outside of the community. Marine Corps Air Station (MCAS) Miramar Is located along the southeastern border of the community. The University CPU area Is located In Council Districts 1 and 6 in the City of San Diego In the County of San Diego.
Notice of Determination
Approving Agency
City of San Diego City Council
Approving Agency Role
Lead Agency
Approved On
County Clerk
San Diego
Final Environmental Document Available at
It is hereby certified that the Final PEIR, including comments and responses, Is available to the general public
for review on the City of San Diego's California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) website: All other records are available to the public for review at the office of the City
Planning Department, 202 C Street, Floor 5, MS 413, San Diego, CA 92101.
(1) The project will have a significant impact on the environment
(2a) An Environmental Impact Report was prepared for this project pursuant to the provisions of CEQA
(2b) A Mitigated or a Negative Declaration was prepared for this project pursuant to the provisions of CEQA
(2c) An other document type was prepared for this project pursuant to the provisions of CEQA
(3) Mitigated measures were made a condition of the approval of the project
(4) A mitigation reporting or monitoring plan was adopted for this project
(5) A Statement of Overriding Considerations was adopted for this project
(6) Findings were made pursuant to the provisions of CEQA
Notice of Determination
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