Carpinteria-Summerland Fire Hazard Fuels Reduction Treatment Project
SCH Number
Public Agency
California State Coastal Conservancy
Document Title
Carpinteria-Summerland Fire Hazard Fuels Reduction Treatment Project
Document Type
NOE - Notice of Exemption
Document Description
The proposed project consists of three elements: continuous, year-round community-wide chipping program; grazing livestock herbivory on private land; and maintenance of existing community fuel breaks. The fuel reduction treatments provide defensible space around structures slowing wildfires down and allowing for increased access for firefighters. First, CSFPD will implement a continuous, year-round, community wide chipping program. Residents will be responsible for cutting and placing their cleared vegetation curbside for disposal by the CSFPD at no cost to them. Second, CSFPD will use grazing livestock (sheep and/or goats) for prescribed herbivory projects to reduce fire fuels in difficult to access areas. The animals will graze in each area until 60-70 percent of standing vegetation is removed or trampled. If there is regrowth, the animals will be returned to each portion of the site for a second treatment. Lastly, SCFPD will trim and reduce vegetation on existing fuel breaks in and around the communities of Carpinteria and Summerland, to ensure continued effectiveness of the fuel breaks.
CSFPD will conduct community outreach as part of the project. Local community members and stakeholders identified through the CWPP process will be invited to attend an informational meeting on the project and offered opportunities to provide input on project elements and ways to engage in community resilience building and disaster preparedness education efforts.
Contact Information
Rachel L Couch
Agency Name
Coastal Conservancy Project Manager
Contact Types
Lead/Public Agency
Dan Fawcett
Agency Name
Carpinteria-Summerland Fire Protection District
Contact Types
Project Applicant / Parties Undertaking Project
Santa Barbara
Citywide, Southern California, Unincorporated
Other Information
Santa Barbara County; Streets finclude: Ladera Lane; Hidden Valley Ln.; Toro Canyon Rd.; Torito Rd. and Ariba & Paquita Drives - Legal: Carpinteria Quadrangel: T4N - R25W - Section 11,12, 13, 14 & 18; and Shepard Mesa Rd and Gobernador Canyon Rd.; Legal Description: White Ledge Peak Quad – T4N, R25W, Sec 26
Notice of Exemption
Exempt Status
Categorical Exemption
Type, Section or Code
Class 4
Reasons for Exemption
Grazing project only consists of Fire District (Lead Agency) using goats and/or sheep to graze vegetation that private landowners have approved to improve defensible space for their structure. There is no ground desturbing activities associated with this grazing activity.
Roadside fuel reduction and grazing livestock has been conducted along the subject roadways for many years by both County Public Works and by the local Fire District. Fuel reduction will target hazardous fuels along roadways and on private parcels within High Fire Hazard Zones which will reduce fire ignition potential and enhance resident and firefighter safety. Documentation of the Environmental Review conducted by the Fire District is available for review at Carpinteria-Summerland Fire Headquarters, 1140 Eugenia Pl. Suite A. Carpinteria, CA. 93013.
County Clerk
Santa Barbara