Vikingsholm Emerald Bay Public Access and Day-Use Improvements
SCH Number
Public Agency
California Department of Parks and Recreation
Document Title
Vikingsholm Emerald Bay Public Access and Day-Use Improvements
Document Type
NOE - Notice of Exemption
Document Description
Reconstruct approximately 800’ of the Rubicon Trail; install two (2) new interpretative panels, two (2) new benches, install symbolic fencing, and directional signage; remove redundant trails and trail features; and thin trees and vegetation to improve access to the shore of Emerald Bay, protect vegetation and water resources, clarify paths of travel for easier visitor use, and improve day-use facilities near the Vikingsholm Castle located at Emerald Bay State Park. Work will:
• Remove approximately 800’ existing dilapidated log turnpike on the Rubicon Trail and replace it with an ADA compliant 4” x 6” redwood turnpike (provide alternate access routes during construction).
• Reroute approximately 100’ of trail to achieve a suitable grade and restore the old trail alignment.
• Remove and replace a 24’ long boardwalk with a new ADA compliant boardwalk in the same location (use no excavation required diamond pier supports for the boardwalk foundation).
• Remove and restore to natural conditions at one (1) redundant beach access trail through a stream environment zone in addition to approximately 650’ of volunteer/duplicate way trails.
• Install two (2) new interpretive panels (36” x 24”): excavate four (4) holes 1’ wide x 2’ deep for a total eight (8) cubic feet of excavation, place posts in holes, and backfill with excavated soil and imported 3/4” crush rock.
• Place two (2) new accessible redwood benches next to the two (2) new interpretative panels.
• Remove four (4) existing dilapidated picnic tables and replace with four (4) new picnic tables.
• Use hand tools to selectively brush approximately 400’ of vegetation adjacent to the day-use area (remove ~30 trees).
• Install ~700’ of split rail fencing with directional signage to control visitor access to designated routes: excavate approximately 90 holds, 1’ wide by 1.5’ deep for a total of 135 cubic feet of excavation.
Contact Information
Silver Hartman
Agency Name
CA Department of Parks and Recreation
Contact Types
Lead/Public Agency
South Lake Tahoe
El Dorado
Northern California
Cross Streets
Hwy 89
Total Acres
Parcel #
State Highways
Emerald Bay
Notice of Exemption
Exempt Status
Statutory Exemption
Type, Section or Code
15301, 15302, 15303, 15304 and 153011
Reasons for Exemption
Project consists of the maintenance and minor alteration of existing public structures and facilities and is included as “Trail or road repairs” in the Department of Parks and Recreation’s (DPR’s) list of exempt activities in accordance with CCR §15300.4; the replacement of existing structures and facilities on the same site as the structures replaced and will have substantially the same purpose and capacity as the structure replaced; the construction and location of limited numbers of new small structures included as “fences” in DPR’s list of exempt activities in accordance with CCR §15300.4; the minor public alterations in the condition of land and vegetation that does not involve removal of healthy, mature, scenic trees and is included as "Trail construction or realignment" in DPR’s list of exempt activities, in accordance with CCR § 15300.4, and the construction, or placement of minor structures accessory to existing institutional facilities, included as “Construction or installation of additional public use facilities (picnic tables, lockers, etc.) in DPR’s list of exempt activities in accordance with CCR §15300.4.
Notice of Exemption
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